function h = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid(m, C, sdwidth, npts, axh) % PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS plots 2-d and 3-d Gaussian distributions % % H = PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C) plots the distribution specified by % mean M and covariance C. The distribution is plotted as an ellipse (in % 2-d) or an ellipsoid (in 3-d). By default, the distributions are % plotted in the current axes. H is the graphics handle to the plotted % ellipse or ellipsoid. % % PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C, SD) uses SD as the standard deviation % along the major and minor axes (larger SD => larger ellipse). By % default, SD = 1. Note: % * For 2-d distributions, SD=1.0 and SD=2.0 cover ~ 39% and 86% % of the total probability mass, respectively. % * For 3-d distributions, SD=1.0 and SD=2.0 cover ~ 19% and 73% % of the total probability mass, respectively. % % PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C, SD, NPTS) plots the ellipse or % ellipsoid with a resolution of NPTS (ellipsoids are generated % on an NPTS x NPTS mesh; see SPHERE for more details). By % default, NPTS = 50 for ellipses, and 20 for ellipsoids. % % PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C, SD, NPTS, AX) adds the plot to the % axes specified by the axis handle AX. % % Examples: % ------------------------------------------- % % Plot three 2-d Gaussians % figure; % h1 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([1 1], [1 0.5; 0.5 1]); % h2 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([2 1.5], [1 -0.7; -0.7 1]); % h3 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([0 0], [1 0; 0 1]); % set(h2,'color','r'); % set(h3,'color','g'); % % % "Contour map" of a 2-d Gaussian % figure; % for sd = [0.3:0.4:4], % h = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([0 0], [1 0.8; 0.8 1], sd); % end % % % Plot three 3-d Gaussians % figure; % h1 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([1 1 0], [1 0.5 0.2; 0.5 1 0.4; 0.2 0.4 1]); % h2 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([1.5 1 .5], [1 -0.7 0.6; -0.7 1 0; 0.6 0 1]); % h3 = plot_gaussian_ellipsoid([1 2 2], [0.5 0 0; 0 0.5 0; 0 0 0.5]); % set(h2,'facealpha',0.6); % view(129,36); set(gca,'proj','perspective'); grid on; % grid on; axis equal; axis tight; % ------------------------------------------- % % Gautam Vallabha, Sep-23-2007, % Revision 1.0, Sep-23-2007 % - File created % Revision 1.1, 26-Sep-2007 % - NARGOUT==0 check added. % - Help added on NPTS for ellipsoids if ~exist('sdwidth', 'var'), sdwidth = 1; end if ~exist('npts', 'var'), npts = []; end if ~exist('axh', 'var'), axh = gca; end if numel(m) ~= length(m), error('M must be a vector'); end if ~( all(numel(m) == size(C)) ) error('Dimensionality of M and C must match'); end if ~(isscalar(axh) && ishandle(axh) && strcmp(get(axh,'type'), 'axes')) error('Invalid axes handle'); end set(axh, 'nextplot', 'add'); switch numel(m) case 2, h=show2d(m(:),C,sdwidth,npts,axh); case 3, h=show3d(m(:),C,sdwidth,npts,axh); otherwise error('Unsupported dimensionality'); end if nargout==0, clear h; end %----------------------------- function h = show2d(means, C, sdwidth, npts, axh) if isempty(npts), npts=50; end % plot the gaussian fits tt=linspace(0,2*pi,npts)'; x = cos(tt); y=sin(tt); ap = [x(:) y(:)]'; [v,d]=eig(C); d = sdwidth * sqrt(d); % convert variance to sdwidth*sd bp = (v*d*ap) + repmat(means, 1, size(ap,2)); h = plot(bp(1,:), bp(2,:), '-', 'parent', axh); axis equal %----------------------------- function h = show3d(means, C, sdwidth, npts, axh) if isempty(npts), npts=20; end [x,y,z] = sphere(npts); ap = [x(:) y(:) z(:)]'; [v,d]=eig(C); if any(d(:) < 0) fprintf('warning: negative eigenvalues\n'); d = max(d,0); end d = sdwidth * sqrt(d); % convert variance to sdwidth*sd bp = (v*d*ap) + repmat(means, 1, size(ap,2)); xp = reshape(bp(1,:), size(x)); yp = reshape(bp(2,:), size(y)); zp = reshape(bp(3,:), size(z)); h = surf(axh, xp,yp,zp);