DACS is the doctoral program in cultural and social anthropology of the University of Milan-Bicocca. Students participate in an active research community of expert faculty, visiting professors and doctoral fellows whose interests include historical anthropology, politics, religion, gender, health, art, migrations, and issues related to labor, environment and resources. The program is committed to long-term fieldwork, and welcomes proposal in all the fields of cultural and social anthropology with a preference for researches that cast light onto the transformations of Latin American, South-East Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Eastern Asian communities and societies. DACS pursues an active policy of collaboration with international research institutions, third-sector and no-profit organizations, which operate in European and extra-European contexts. The completion of the Ph.D. thesis in three years is a challenge that requires inspiration, discipline and organization. We streghthen our students’ autonomy and capacity of interdisciplinary analysis through constant and lively intellectual exchange with mentors, peers and researchers in all the fields of the humanities.

Director:  Prof.ssa Alice Bellagamba
Deputy Director:  Prof. Mauro Van Aken