- Public Regulation of Markets
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Obiettivi formativi
Approfondire alcuni temi del diritto pubblico dell’economia, con particolare attenzione ai profili della regolazione e della concorrenza.
Sviluppare un approccio critico e fornire gli strumenti per l’analisi giuridica di alcuni problemi attuali.
Contenuti sintetici
In questo anno accademico il corso sarà interamente in lingua inglese e si tratterranno le questioni dei confini, rapporti e ruoli della regolazione e della concorrenza, con attenzione alle autorizzazioni interferenti con l’esercizio di attività economiche e
la c.d. conformazione dei mercati, alla regolazione economica con particolare
attinenza con il fenomeno dei servizi a rete e all’erogazione e gestione dei
servizi pubblici.
Programma esteso
Programma per frequentanti
Ogni opportuna indicazione sul programma, sulle modalità dell’esame e sui materiali di studio sarà fornito dal docente direttamente a lezione.
Programma per non frequentanti:
Metodi didattici
Lezione frontale, presentazione della dottrina e giurisprudenza in aula anche
da parte degli studenti e dibattito nell’analisi delle questioni.
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Studenti frequentanti: esposizione materiali in aula e esame orale.
Studenti non frequentanti: esame orale
Testi di riferimento
Studenti frequentanti: i materiali saranno caricati sulla piattaforma elearning
Studenti non frequentanti:
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with critical knowledge of EU and Italian law in public regulation of economy and markets.
The growing interaction of markets and public policies within the European legal space, as well as the relationship and interplay between competition law and regulation, even more complex due to the economic and financial crisis, will be discussed.
The course will focus the main characteristics of public regulation in the present phase, particularly examining the rationales, aims, criteria of public regulation in the context of the process of liberalization which has interested different sectors of European markets.
Detailed program
Telecommunications regulation, Transport regulation, Energy regulation and Environmental and Food regulation will offer examples and legal issues to discuss in class, enriching the capacity of students to work with official documents and other materials.
Furthermore the course will deal with ethical issues in regulation policies, focusing on the relationship between politics and administration; between politics and enterprises (with specific attention to the problem of the institutional independence and the conflict of interests); between politics and interest groups (through the analysis of lobbying activities).
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide students not only with a proper knowledge of this area of law, but also to raise their ability to subject it to critical legal analysis. Lectures will be carried out with the active participation of students, which will be required to prepare each class in advance: documents (legislation, judgements, doctrine etc.) will be made available through the University e-learning platform. Students case study presentations will be discussed in class.
Assessment methods
Attending students: Case study presentations in class; Final oral examination.
NOn attending students: Oral examination.
Textbooks and Reading Materials
Attending studentes: materials will be uploaded on the e-learning
Non attending students:
- M. Sandel, What money can't buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, 2013
- L. Kaplow, On the relevance of market power, 130 Harv. L. Rev. 1303 (free download on the web)
-M. Thatcher, From old to new indutrial policy via economic regulation, linked at