Course Syllabus
Contenuti sintetici
Programma esteso
Modalità didattica
Nel periodo di emergenza COVID 19 le lezioni si svolgeranno in modalità mista: parziale presenza e lezioni videoregistrate sincrone e asincrone.
Materiale didattico
PAIRMAN, TRACY, THOROGOOD PINCOMBE. Midwifery. Preparation for practice, Elsevier, 2015, 3rd ed.
COCHARD LARRY R., Atlante di embriologia umana, Netter, ed. Masson, 2006.
COAD JANE (with Melvyn Dunstall), Anatomy and Phisiology for Midwives, Mosby 2011. 3^ edizione.
Periodo di erogazione dell'insegnamento
I semestre
Modalità di verifica del profitto e valutazione
Orario di ricevimento
Su appuntamento
The course provides to the student the fundamentals of physiology of the female genital tract, of the human reproductive function and knowledge about the fertility and procreative process, from fertilization to embryonic development. The course will provide students the foundamentals of anatomical and physiological placental organ.
Detailed program
The course provides to the student the fundamentals of physiology of the female genital tract, of the human reproductive function and knowledge about the fertility and procreative process, from fertilization to embryonic development. The course will provide students the foundamentals of anatomical and physiological placental organ.
Teaching form
Textbook and teaching resource
COCHARD LARRY R., Atlante di embriologia umana, Netter, ed. Masson, 2006.
COAD JANE (with Melvyn Dunstall), Anatomy and Phisiology for Midwives, Mosby 2011. 3^ edizione.
I semester
Assessment method
Office hours
On appointment