Environmental Risks Assessment of Chemicals

Antonio Finizio


The concepts of ecological risk assessment endpoints, defining the problem, the conceptual model, and risk hypotheses

- Explore methods for measuring, estimating, and characterizing exposure and effects for deterministic and probabilistic assessments

- Discuss how data are applied in the decision-making process

- Demonstrate how to communicate risk findings in a professional setting

Evaluation: YES - discussion on the program topics

2 CFU - 16 Hours (Lecture)

Environmental Risks Assessment of Chemicals

Antonio Finizio


The concepts of ecological risk assessment endpoints, defining the problem, the conceptual model, and risk hypotheses

- Explore methods for measuring, estimating, and characterizing exposure and effects for deterministic and probabilistic assessments

- Discuss how data are applied in the decision-making process

- Demonstrate how to communicate risk findings in a professional setting

Evaluation: YES - discussion on the program topics

2 CFU - 16 Hours (Lecture)

II semester



  • Antonio Finizio

Enrolment methods

Self enrolment (Student)
Guest access
Manual enrolments