Literature review: how to make a good bibliography – Ed. 1

Michele Balzarini – Biblioteca di Ateneo
Stefania Fraschetta - Biblioteca di Ateneo
Margherita Zambotto - Biblioteca di Ateneo

The online forum will be held in the language spoken in class (English or Italian).

To know and to use online tools for bibliographic research, with a special focus on the University Library’s discipline-specific tools (databases, search engines, open archives etc.).
At the end of the course students will be able to:
● Identify and select the most authoritative and relevant sources for their subject
● Cite sources correctly and manage complex bibliographies

Target audience
3rd and 2nd year Doctoral students.

Max 35

2 CFU/16 hrs

  • Kick-off meeting: 15th November 2022. h: 1:00 pm - 3:30, Lab 713 (U7), this one is mandatory
  • 2nd meeting (not mandatory but recommended) 29th November 1.30 pm - 4:00 pm Lab 711
  • Online lessons: the 8 weeks following the kick-off meeting (during the Christmas holidays there are no group or face-to-face activities)

course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 26/10/2022 to 10/11/2022

To be awarded the CFUs, participants must have completed all the online lessons and activities, participate in forum discussions and take part at the Kick-off meeting in presence


Literature review: how to make a good bibliography – Ed. 1

Michele Balzarini – University Library
Stefania Fraschetta - University Library
Margherita Zambotto - University Library

The online forum will be held in the language spoken in class (English or Italian).

To know and to use online tools for bibliographic research, with a special focus on the University Library’s discipline-specific tools (databases, search engines, open archives etc.).
At the end of the course students will be able to:
● Identify and select the most authoritative and relevant sources for their subject
● Cite sources correctly and manage complex bibliographies

Target audience
3rd and 2nd year Doctoral students..

Max 35

2 CFU/16 hrs

  • Kick-off meeting: 15th November 2022. h: 1:30 pm - 3:30, Lab 713 (U7), this one is mandatory
  • 2nd meeting (not mandatory but recommended) 29th November 1.30 pm - 4:00 pm Lab 711
  • Online lessons: the 8 weeks following the kick-off meeting (during the Christmas holidays there are no group or face-to-face activities)

course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 26/10/2022 to 10/11/2022

To be awarded the CFUs, participants must have completed all the online lessons and activities, participate in forum discussions and take part at the Kick-off meeting in presence



  • Michele Balzarini
    Michele Balzarini
  • Stefania Fraschetta
    Stefania Fraschetta
  • Margherita Zambotto
    Margherita Zambotto

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments
Guest access