Psychological Issues in Educational Research: evaluating and promoting wellbeing and mental health

Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, Department of Human Sciences for Education, University of Milano-Bicocca

Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, University of Milano-Bicocca (8 hours)
Prof.ssa Fabrizia Mantovani, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Prof. Guido Veronese, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Veronica Maria Ornaghi, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Dr. Alessandro Pepe, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)


Il modulo psicologico, coordinato da Ilaria Grazzani, verte su un tema trasversale alla psicologia dell’educazione, della salute e clinica: la promozione del benessere e della salute mentale in diversi contesti di vita scolastici, extra-scolastici ed educativi. I seminari, che metteranno a tema le questioni metodologiche delle linee di ricerca presentate, verranno tenuti sia docenti del Dipartimento, sia da studiosi di altre Università italiane e straniere. Orario: 9.30-12.30/13.00
The psychological course is focused on the theme of wellbeing and mental health, developed by different research lines and methodological approaches.

Il corso comprenderà i seguenti Seminari:

Wellbeing and mental health in educational and school contexts: the Promehs Program
(Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, dr.ssa Elisabetta Conte)

The promotion of teachers' mental health: the European project "Teaching to Be"
(Prof.ssa Veronica Ornaghi, dr.ssa Valeria Cavioni)

Working with children in war affected areas: methodological and ethical challenges
(Prof. Guido Veronese)

Introduction to empirical research in education and Mixed Method
(Dr. Alessandro Pepe)

Virtual reality for promoting mental well-being
(Prof.ssa Fabrizia Mantovani, d.ssa Federica Pallavicini)

Promoting children’s development and wellbeing at nursery and in the kindergarten -
Evaluation of the psychological module.
(Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani)

24 hours/3 cfu

See PhD calendar: from January to June 2024


Psychological Issues in Educational Research: evaluating and promoting wellbeing and mental health

Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, Department of Human Sciences for Education, University of Milano-Bicocca

Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, University of Milano-Bicocca (8 hours)
Prof.ssa Fabrizia Mantovani, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Prof. Guido Veronese, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Veronica Maria Ornaghi, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)
Dr. Alessandro Pepe, University of Milano-Bicocca (4 hours)


The psychological course, coordinated by Ilaria Grazzani, is focused on the theme of wellbeing and mental health, developed by different research lines in educational, general and clinical psychology as well as conducted with different methodological approaches.

The course will comprise the following lectures (see the Calendar for dates of classes):

Wellbeing and mental health in educational and school contexts: the Promehs Program
(Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani, Dr.ssa Elisabetta Conte)

The promotion of teachers' mental health: the European project "Teaching to be"
(Prof.ssa Veronica Ornaghi, Dr.ssa Valeria Cavioni)

Working with children in war affected areas: methodological and ethical challenges
(Prof. Guido Veronese)

Introduction to empirical research in education and Mixed Method
(Dr. Alessandro Pepe)

Virtual reality for promoting mental well-being
(Prof.ssa Fabrizia Mantovani, d.ssa Federica Pallavicini)

Promoting children’s development and wellbeing at nursery and in the kindergarten -
Evaluation of the psychological module.
(Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani)

24 hours/3 cfu

See PhD calendar: from January to June 2024



  • Chiara Maria Bove
  • Teacher

  • Ilaria Grazzani
  • Fabrizia Mantovani
    Fabrizia Mantovani
  • Veronica Maria Ornaghi
  • Federica Pallavicini
  • Stefano Pippa
    Stefano Pippa
  • Olivia Realdon
  • Guido Veronese

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione manuale