**Monte Carlo Approach to Geophysical Inverse Problem: An Introduction

Nicola Piana Agostinetti


The module presents Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms as tools for the solution of a number of geophysical inverse problems. The module covers an introduction on inverse problem theory and basic concepts about Monte Carlo approach. Three MC algorithms will be presented to solve: (a) a fixed dimension inverse problem; (b) a trans-dimensional inverse problem and (c) an inverse problem using a "Hierarchical Bayes" approach. Algorithms presentation will put emphasis on the fundamental phases of the analysis of the inverse problem and the development of the MC algorithm. Students will be actively involved in the course, encouraged to present their own inverse problems with the aim of stimulating discussion about possible MC algorithms for their solution. A laptop running a FORTRAN compiler and GMT (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/) is requested.

Evaluation: NO

2 CFU - 20 Hours (8h lecture - 12h laboratory training)

**Monte Carlo Approach to Geophysical Inverse Problem: An Introduction

Nicola Piana Agostinetti


The module presents Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms as tools for the solution of a number of geophysical inverse problems. The module covers an introduction on inverse problem theory and basic concepts about Monte Carlo approach. Three MC algorithms will be presented to solve: (a) a fixed dimension inverse problem; (b) a trans-dimensional inverse problem and (c) an inverse problem using a "Hierarchical Bayes" approach. Algorithms presentation will put emphasis on the fundamental phases of the analysis of the inverse problem and the development of the MC algorithm. Students will be actively involved in the course, encouraged to present their own inverse problems with the aim of stimulating discussion about possible MC algorithms for their solution. A laptop running a FORTRAN compiler and GMT (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/) is requested.

Evaluation: NO

2 CFU - 20 Hours (8h lecture - 12h laboratory training)



  • Nicola Piana Agostinetti
    Nicola Piana Agostinetti

Students' opinion

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments