**Acoustics Applied to the Environment: Soundscape as Environmental Quality Index

Giovanni Zambon


The concept of soundscape will be applied to terrestrial and marine habitats through the analysis of both natural (geophonies and biophonies) and non-natural sounds (anthrophony, that is the complex of sounds produced by human activity). Topics dealt with during this course include: Introduction to soundscape as index of environmental quality; Bio-acoustic indices; Introduction to “R” program and data analysis; Computation of indices performed in “R” environment; Analysis and interpretation of the results.

1 CFU - 8 Hours (Lecture)

Acoustics Applied to the Environment: Soundscape as Environmental Quality Index

Giovanni Zambon


The concept of soundscape will be applied to terrestrial and marine habitats through the analysis of both natural (geophonies and biophonies) and non-natural sounds (anthrophony, that is the complex of sounds produced by human activity). Topics dealt with during this course include: Introduction to soundscape as index of environmental quality; Bio-acoustic indices; Introduction to “R” program and data analysis; Computation of indices performed in “R” environment; Analysis and interpretation of the results.

1 CFU - 8 Hours (Lecture)

II semester



  • Giovanni Zambon
    Giovanni Zambon

Students' opinion

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments