Schema della sezione



    You may take your exams only after the end of the relevant classes. Each exam programme is valid for the whole academic year, thus for the 6 traditional sessions. After these sessions, the valid exam programme will be for the next academic year.

    The exam sessions, at least five for each subject, are usually held during the months of:

    • January-February;

    • June-July;

    • September.

      The exams calendar is published in the Exams Sessions section

      The usual interval between two sessions is at least  14 days.


      1. Exams registration terms and procedure

      Students who wish to take an exam and any other test must have fulfilled their obligations under the teaching and administrative regulations.

      Registering for the exams is mandatory and must be done online, following the Online Secretary’s Office procedure 

      Exams registrations usually open 20 days before the date set for the beginning of the session and close 3 days before.

      Students not included in the electronic register may under no circumstance take an exam; therefore, if you have problems with registering for an exam, please contact the Students’ Careers office of the Psychology Area ( beforehand.


      2. Exams procedure, results publication and recording rules

      Exams procedure.

      Exams may be written and/or oral . In case of a written exam, students can ask to take also oral esam.  On the other hand, the  lecturer has the right to  request also oral exam. 

      In the event of one-day exams (written and/or oral) registration must be made by the date specified in the exams calendar and within the deadlines set out in art. 27 of the University Students Regulations.

      In the event of exams made up of a written test (partial test) and an oral test after a few days, registration must be made to the session of the written test (partial test) as specified above; passing the written test implies automatic registration for the oral one (recording).

      Recording rules.

      The results of exams and other tests are recorded online.

      Students are informed of the recording by an email sent to their university address.

      Students who pass the exam are sent another email when the result is uploaded to the central database.

      If students find any discrepancies between the result they were notified of and the result uploaded into the online transcript system, they must inform the lecturer, in person or by email at the university address, within the mandatory time limit of ten working days. After this time limit has elapsed, the result may no longer be challenged nor changed.


      For any information not included in this Section, please refer to the general university regulations, specifically to art. 27 of the University Students Regulations.

      The calendar is published in the TEACHING -  Exams sessions section