Exam Basic Pathology 26th February 2021

Exam Basic Pathology 26th February 2021

by Clementina Elvezia Cocuzza -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

please take note that during the exam session planned at 10:00 am on the 26th February 2021, students will be able to review the results of the Pathology and Microbiology & Virology Module Exams.

The following students will also be able to complete the registration of the Basic Pathology Exam, if they have successfully completed all three modules:
  1. Matricola: 862646       CRACCHIOLO GIORGIO
  2.  Matricola: 833236        IANNACCONE ALICE
  3.  Matricola: 849293        KAUR KAWALJEET
  4.  Matricola: 850339        TABONI SARA
  5.  Matricola: 861918         TOMASONI SILVIA
The event password is: BASICPATHOLOGY

Best regards

Clementina Cocuzza