Invited talk: Design patterns in three case studies (within the course Human-Technology Interaction) - You all can join!

Invited talk: Design patterns in three case studies (within the course Human-Technology Interaction) - You all can join!

di Hermann Sergio Bulf -
Numero di risposte: 0

Talk Title: Design patterns in three case studies

Raffaele Boiano 

March 26th, 4:30-6:30 pm


In this lecture, three case studies will be presented.

This will be followed by Q&A session.

The discussion will touch on the idea of design patterns, moving from tangible spaces (Christopher Alexander) to virtual environments (Howard Rheingold) and social affordance as a set of principles (rules that don’t prescribe the solution but support a rationale behind a design pattern), practices (most effective and efficient way to solve a problem) and patterns (core solutions). Finally, the concept of information architecture can be introduced as the design of informational spaces, the moment where, according to a specific set of intentions, the interaction is defined and social patterns are carefully chosen.


Raffaele Boiano explores the busy intersection of experience design, storytelling, cultural anthropology and coding. He has 18+ years experience shaping usable and delightful product/services experiences. His strong skill sets include user research, information architecture, rapid prototyping, usability testing and front-end coding. Co-founder and Ceo of Fifth Beat, a design innovation studio, he is now committed to make the world a better place. Raffaele is also Adjunct Professor of User Experience Design at Politecnico di Milano, former VP of the Italian Information Architecture Society and co-founder of Roma’s UX book club.