Lecture by Adrian Staub - UMASS Eyetracking lab

Lecture by Adrian Staub - UMASS Eyetracking lab

by Hermann Sergio Bulf -
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Thursday April 27th, 1-2.30 PM, room U7/17
Special lecture by Adrian Staub, professor in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Mass at Amherst  and director of the UMASS Eyetracking lab (https://blogs.umass.edu/astaub/).

He will provide a general overview about eyetracking in reading tailored for non-experts.
These will be the topics covered in his class:
- Fundamental properties of eye movements in reading, e.g., fixations and saccades, word skipping, regressions.
- The basics of eye tracking technology.
- Basic principles of data analysis, e.g., the measures that we compute, basics of statistical analysis.
- Overview of the most robust perceptual, cognitive, and linguistic influences on eye movements in reading.
- Introduction of the E-Z Reader model.

Anyone interested is welcomed to join the Applied Psycholinguistics class that day!