Call - Showcase your skills and experience through the new Informatics Europe CV Repository

Call - Showcase your skills and experience through the new Informatics Europe CV Repository

by Alessandra Carnevali -
Number of replies: 0


si trasmette di seguito la comunicazione relativa alla call "new Informatics Europe CV Repository service", indirizzata agli studenti iscritti al secondo anno e a coloro che hanno conseguito il titolo recentemente:

Informatics Europe, a non-profit academic organization, in which our faculty is member, has announced the pre-launch of their CV Repository.
This is a new career service, exclusively dedicated to young informatics professionals like you.

The Informatics Europe CV Repository is committed to connect early career professionals and employers in informatics and related disciplines across Europe. The Repository is now open for applicants to register and a prize of 100 EUR each in cash will be given to four applicants, two randomly-drawn among the first 100 fully uploaded profiles and another two drawn among all those submitted by May 31st.

Bachelor’s students of the last year of studyMaster’s and PhD students, as well as recent graduates are welcome to easily create and manage their profiles, and upload their CVs. The process should take no longer than 5 minutes and early June it will be open to recruiters who support the mission and goals of the Informatics Europe community. Profiles can be modified, disabled or deleted by applicants at any time (full terms of use as well as CV privacy policy can be found at the dedicated CV repository webpage, here).

We look forward to seeing many of our students and recent graduates contributing to the launch of this service, which supports strategic initiatives for the informatics community in Europe, while supporting you in initiating career adventures full of joy and accomplishment!