Elements of Human-Technology Interaction: how to insert it in your career plan

Elements of Human-Technology Interaction: how to insert it in your career plan

di Hermann Sergio Bulf -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students,

As you already know, the course 'Elements of Human-Technology Interaction' cannot be inserted in your career plan through the web platform 'Segreterie online'.

If you want to insert the course in your career plan you have to:

1 - fill in the form you can find at this link https://www.unimib.it/sites/default/files/Esposto%20MOD_0.pdf specifying which course you want to delete from your current career plan and which course you want to insert (i.e. Elements of Human Technology Interaction); you have also to specify that it is an elective course.

2- scan and send the form to segr.studenti.psicologia@unimib.it with a copy of your current career plan - you can download your current career from 'Segreterie online'.

The dead line is the 6th of December.

Best regards,

Hermann Bulf