Message for the 1st year students - Self assessments and teaching tutors - 2nd semester

Message for the 1st year students - Self assessments and teaching tutors - 2nd semester

by Hermann Sergio Bulf -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

As you already did in the first semester, you are required to complete a self-assessment for the two courses of the second semester, i.e. Cognitive development and Psychometrics and quantitative methods. 

Please use your campus email to access to the assessment page: - bottom right ‘Autenticati su’ > ‘UniMiB’

These self-assessments have the aim to evaluate the basic knowledge you should possess to smoothly attend the second semester courses, and will allow us to know if there are some gaps and, eventually, to fill in them. 

The dead line to complete the self-assessments is February 28th.

For the second semester, the teaching tutors will be:

Ermanno Quadrelli,, for Cognitive development

Pietro Guardini,, for Psychometrics

I remind you that the teaching tutors will help you to navigate through the readings provided in the self-assessment page and  are available for the whole duration of the courses for one-to-one meetings with students who need a focus on some course contents. You can write them an email whenever you need it - if you have general or specific questions about the content of the courses, in particular if you miss some basic knowledge to understand the lessons.

We will introduce the tutors to you during the first lesson.

Looking forward to meet you the 2nd of March for the beginning of the semester!

Best regards,

Prof. Hermann Bulf