Contattatemi per chiarimenti sui voti senza avere assolutamente esitazioni; ovviamente mi riservo l'ultima parola, ma errare humanum, quindi non fatevi problemi.

Feel free to contact me for clarifications about the marks without any hesitation; of course, I'm the teacher and I'll have the last word, but errare humanum, so feel free to ask.

weights of different parts
theory       0.30
state eq     0.10
meas. eq     0.10
ekf          0.25
pf           0.25
tot weights  1.00

matr    theory  state   measur. ekf     pf      pre-    final
                eq.     eq.                     round        
793569	27.75	30.00	33.00	31.00	27.00	29.13	29
797819	28.00	30.00	33.00	29.00	27.00	28.70	29
822452	29.13	30.00	30.00	30.00	30.00	29.74	30
829470	31.75	33.00	33.00	33.00	33.00	32.63	30 e lode
829777	29.13	31.00	31.00	32.00	32.00	30.94	30 e lode
829937	26.50	30.00	31.00	31.00	31.00	29.55	30
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 April 2022, 12:41 AM