- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2020-2021
- 1st year
- Histology
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Programma esteso
-Istologia e i suoi metodi di studio.
-Citologia: proprietà generali delle cellule eucariote.
-Membrana plasmatica: struttura, composizione molecolare, funzioni.
-Connessioni cellulari: tight junctions, gap junctions, desmosomi.
-Citosol: composizione molecolare e funzioni
- Organelli citoplasmatici: mitocondri, ribosomi, reticolo endoplasmatico (rugoso e liscio), complesso di Golgi, lisosomi, perossisomi.
- Citoscheletro: microtubuli, filamenti di actina e filamenti intermedi
-Trafficking, sorting e secrezione di proteine.
-Nucleo e nucleolo
-Morte cellulare: apoptosi e necrosi.
-Tessuto epiteliale: epiteli di rivestimento e epiteli ghiandolari. Microvilli, ciglia, flagello, stereociglia. Membrana basale.
-Tessuto connettivo: cellule, sostanza fondamentale, fibre. Tipi di tessuti connettivi: lasso, irregolare denso, regolare denso, elastico.
-Tessuto adiposo: tessuto adiposo uniloculare e multiloculare.
-Cartilagine: ialina, elastica e fibrocartilaginea.
-Osso: cellule ossee, matrice ossea. Tipi di osso: tessuto osseo primario e secondario; osso compatto e spugnoso.
Istogenesi: ossificazione intramembranosa e endocondrale. Rimodellamento e riparazione.
-Tessuto muscolare: muscolo liscio, scheletrico e cardiaco, Contrazione. Rigenerazione.
-Tessuto nervoso: neuroni e cellule gliali. Mielina: fibre mieliniche e non mieliniche. Comunicazione sinaptica.
-Sangue: plasma e cellule (eritrociti, leucociti, piastrine)
-Prima settimana
-Seconda settimana
-Terza settimana
-Quarta settimana: formazione dell’embrione
-Principi e meccanismi di morfogenesi
-Somiti e derivati
-Placenta, allantoide, amnios, corion e sacco vitellino
Students will be able to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the eukaryotic cell and the morphology correlate with the function of each organelle; then they will be able to describe the structure and morpho-functional characteristics of human tissues (epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues) as well as to describe the main events of gametogenesis and early embryogenesis.
Detailed program
- Histology and its methods of study
- Cytology: general properties of eukariotic cells
- Plasma membrane: structure, molecular composition, functions.
- Cell connections: tight junctions, gap junctions and desmosomes.
- Cytosol: molecular composition and functions
- Cytoplasmic organelles: Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), Golgi complex, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes
- Cytoskeleton: Microtubules, Actin filaments and intermediate filaments
- Trafficking, sorting and secretion of proteins
- Nucleus and nucleolus
- Cell death: Apoptosis and necrosis
- Epithelial tissue: covering epithelia and glandular epithelia. Microvilli, cilia, flagellum, stereocilia. Basement membrane.
- Connective tissue: cells, ground substance, fibers. Types of connective tissue: loose, dense irregular, dense regular, elastic connective tissue.
- Adipose tissue: unilocular and multilocular adipose tissue.
- Cartilage: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage.
- Bone: bone cells, bone matrix. Type of bone: primary and secondary bone tissue; compact and spongy bone. Histogenesis: intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Remodelling and repair.
- Muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle. Stimulation. Contraction. Regeneration.
- Nervous tissue: neurons and glial cells. Myelin: myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Synaptc communication.
- Blood: plasma and cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets)
- Gametogenesis
- Fertilization
- First Week
- Second Week: Becoming Bilaminar and Fully Implanting
- Third Week: Becoming Trilaminar and Establishing Body Axes
- Fourth Week: Forming the Embryo
- Principles and Mechanisms of Morphogenesis
- Neurulation
- Somites and derivatives
- Placenta, allantoid, amnios, chorion and yolk sac
College-level scientific knowledge
Teaching form
See “Fundamentals of Human Morphology”.
Textbook and teaching resource
Histology: A Text and Atlas, with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, by Michael H. Ross PhD, Wojciech Pawlina MD.
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, by Anthony Mescher.
The developing human: Clinically oriented
Embryology by Keith L. Moore and TVN Persaud
See “Fundamentals of Human Morphology”
Assessment method
See “Fundamentals of Human Morphology”
Office hours
See “Fundamentals of Human Morphology”