- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2020-2021
- 3rd year
- Microbiology
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Fornire agli studenti conoscenze e competenze necessarie per effettuare una diagnosi differenziale delle infezioni dell'apparato locomotore, effettuare prelievi di campioni biologici e richieste di laboratorio appropriate ed interpretare i relativi risultati di laboratorio.
Contenuti sintetici
I microrganismi e patogenesi associata alle infezioni ossee, articolari, dei tessuti molli, muscolari e delle ferite chirurgiche. Formazione di biofilm. Diagnosi microbiologica ed interpretazione dei risultati di laboratorio. Prevenzione delle infezioni.
Programma esteso
Pathogens associated with bone, joint, muscle, soft tissue and surgical
wound infections. Microrganisms associated with haematogenous spread,
direct extension of contiguous local infections, surgical and/or implant
associated infections. Biofilm formation and infections associated with
joint prosthesis and implants. Multi-drug resistant microrganisms
associated with soft tissue and musculoskeletal infections. Laboratory
investigations for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal infections:
isolation of the microrganisms from tissue and/or blood cultures,
antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Interpretation of microbiology
laboratory results. Strategies for the prevention of infections.
Basic knowledge of microbiology, pathology and immunology.
Modalità didattica
Sessioni interattive di diattica non frontale e discussione di casi clinici, includendo la diagnosi differenziale, gli esami di laboratorio e l'interpretazione dei risultati.
Nel periodo di emergenza Covid-19 le sedute interattive verranno svolte da remoto con eventi in videoconferenza sincrona.
Materiale didattico
Sherris “Medical Microbiology ”, EMSI.
Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller “Medical Microbiology” Elsevier.
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's "Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases", Elsevier.
Public Health England UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations
Scientific papers and reviews.
Periodo di erogazione dell'insegnamento
Primo Semestre del 3° anno di corso.
Modalità di verifica del profitto e valutazione
Presentazioni e discussioni di argomenti relativi al corso e casi clinici, individuali e/o di gruppo, per valutare le competenze acquisite relative agli obiettivi del corso.
Nel periodo di emergenza Covid-19
le presentazioni e discussione di casi cinici avranno luogo solo con modalità telematica utilizzando la
piattaforma WebEx.
Orario di ricevimento
Su appuntamento con richiesta via e-mail.
To provide students with the fundamental knowledge and competences necessary to make a differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal infections, request appropriate laboratory investigations, undertake sample collection and interpretation of laboratory findings.
Microrganisms and pathogenesis associated with bone, joint, soft tissue, muscle and surgical wound infections. Biofilm formation. Microbiological diagnosis and interpretation of laboratory investigations. Prevention of musculoskeletal infections.
Detailed program
Pathogens associated with bone, joint, muscle, soft tissue and surgical wound infections. Microrganisms associated with haematogenous spread, direct extension of contiguous local infections, surgical and/or implant associated infections. Biofilm formation and infections associated with joint prosthesis and implants. Multi-drug resistant microrganisms associated with soft tissue and musculoskeletal infections. Laboratory investigations for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal infections: isolation of the microrganisms from tissue and/or blood cultures, antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Interpretation of microbiology laboratory results. Strategies for the prevention of infections.
Basic knowledge of microbiology, pathology and immunology.
Teaching form
Interactive sessions with active participation of students. Problem-based learning with discussion of clinical cases, including differential diagnosis, laboratory investigations and interpretation of microbiological findings.
During the Covid-19 emergency these interactive sessions lessons will be held online by Webex platform.
Textbook and teaching resource
Sherris “Medical Microbiology ”, EMSI.
Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller “Medical Microbiology”, Elsevier.
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's "Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases", Elsevier.
Public Health England UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations
Scientific papers and reviews.
First Semester of the third year of the course.
Assessment method
Students individual and/or group discussion of clinical cases to evaluate the skills and competences acquired according to the objectives of the course.
During the Covid-19 emergency these discussions will take place online via WebEx.
Office hours
Appointments on request via e-mail.