New lignin-based sustainable materials: science and technological aspects.

Luca Zoia ; Ruggero Barni ; Carmen Canevali ; Gianmarco Griffini


Lignin is the second most abundant organic macromolecule in nature. Its extraction tends to increase worldwide, demanding new applications for an efficient lignin use. This course gives an overview on the whole lignin life cycle, from biosynthesis to industrial applications. 

In particular, the following subjects will be developed: 

- Chemistry of lignocellulosic materials 

- Lignin biosynthesis, chemical structures and reactivity 

- Lignin extraction processes (kraft, alkaline, organosolv) 

- Main techniques in Lignin characterization (FT-IR, GPC, 31P-NMR, 13C-NMR, 2D-HSQC, EPR, SEM, ICP-AES) 

- Plasma technology for lignin modification: plasma treatment aimed to surface functionalization for lignin-based composites 

-Industrial applications of lignin

Evaluation: YES - oral colloquium

1 CFU - 8 Hours (Lecture)

 II semester 


New lignin-based sustainable materials: science and technological aspects.

Luca Zoia ; Ruggero Barni ; Carmen Canevali ; Gianmarco Griffini


Lignin is the second most abundant organic macromolecule in nature. Its extraction tends to increase worldwide, demanding new applications for an efficient lignin use. This course gives an overview on the whole lignin life cycle, from biosynthesis to industrial applications. 

In particular, the following subjects will be developed: 

- Chemistry of lignocellulosic materials 

- Lignin biosynthesis, chemical structures and reactivity 

- Lignin extraction processes (kraft, alkaline, organosolv) 

- Main techniques in Lignin characterization (FT-IR, GPC, 31P-NMR, 13C-NMR, 2D-HSQC, EPR, SEM, ICP-AES) 

- Plasma technology for lignin modification: plasma treatment aimed to surface functionalization for lignin-based composites 

- Industrial applications of lignin

Evaluation: YES - oral colloquium

1 CFU - 8 Hours (Lecture)

 II semester 




  • Ruggero Barni
    Ruggero Barni
  • Carmen Canevali
  • Luca Zoia

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione spontanea (Studente)
Iscrizione manuale