Strategic Management

Elisabetta Marafioti / Salvatore Torrisi / Francesca Capo (Unimib)



·       The definition of strategy and its foundations

·       Theories of Choice

·       Resources, Capabilities and rents – Static and Dynamic Perspectives

·       Knowledge management and Learning

·       Firms and interdependent systems

·       Linking Firm Behavior and Industry Dynamics

·       Exploration and Exploitation: creating and capturing value

·       Economics of the Diversified Firm

·       Questions of Markets and Hierarchies

·       Organizational Forms and Collective Action

·       Capital allocation

·       CSR and Sustainability Strategies

·       Strategic Reactions to Category Dynamics


Objectives: The goal of the course is to explore the theoretical foundations of research in strategic management. The course examines some of the central questions in management with economic approaches as a starting point, but with an eye to the links to strategic and behavioral perspectives on these same questions.

Evaluation: Paper

6 CFU - 48 hours

I year, II semester



  • Francesca Capo
  • Elisabetta Marafioti
    Elisabetta Marafioti
  • Laura Mariani
  • Paul Matthyssens
  • Salvatore Torrisi

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments