European institutions and multi-level Governance

Francesca Mattassoglio (UNIMIB); Edoardo Raffiotta (UNIBO)



- European Economic Institutions

- European multi-level Economic Governance

- Economic and Monetary Union: European Central Bank and European System of Central Banks

- EU fiscal public policy  

- Financial market governance (ECB, EBA, ESMA, EIOPA and national authorities)

- European Commission’s Financial Digital Strategy.  


Objective of the program:

To analyze the multi-level governance within the EU, the Member States, and the regional and local authorities, focusing on the economic and financial area, taking into account technological innovation. This course also intends to analyze the development and implementation of the "Next Generation EU" program from a multi-level perspective.

Evaluation: Written assignments and elaboration of individual and group studies

5 CFU - 40 hours

II year, I semester



  • Francesca Mattassoglio
  • Edoardo Carlo Raffiotta
    Edoardo Carlo Raffiotta
  • Tutor

  • Massimiliano Baroni

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments