- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2021-2022
- 4th year
- Physiology
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Materiale didattico
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 12 edition. Saunders Elsevier 2011, Unit III (The Heart), IV (The Circulation) and VII (Respiration)
- Mohrman DE, Heller LJ. Cardiovascular Physiology 9th edition. McGraw Hill 2018Aims
The course aims to provide a basic understanding of cardiovascular function and its homeostatic regulation; heart-lung interaction and the main consequences of cardiac and vascular dysfunction will also be addressed. The course should provide a background for the pathophysiological interpretation of cardiovascular disease.
Cardiac physiology and adaptations (in health and disease); physiology of the systemic and pulmonary circulations; regulation of cardiovascular function; methods of measurement of cardiovascular function
Detailed program
The heart
- Structural
and functional aspects of cardiac excitation - the electrical cycle (with
reference to ECG)
- Structural and functional aspects of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling and its modulation (inotropy, lusitropy)
- The cardiac mechanical cycle (on pressure/time and pressure/volume planes) – definition of “systolic” and “diastolic” functions and their coupling.
- Cardiac “mechanical” and “chemical” work - relation to cardiac O2 consumption (myocardial efficiency)
- Cardiac adaptation to preload and afterload changes in health and disease
- Principles of cardiac (systolic and diastolic) functional measurements (invasive and imaging)
The systemic circulation
- Large arteries dynamics: windkessel mechanism, pressure pulse and its propagation
- Small arteries: regulation of peripheral resistance (intrinsic, neural, paracrine)
- Systemic pressure/flow relationship – peculiarities of the coronary circulation
- Determinants of capillary pressure – mechanisms of “edema”
- Mechanisms of venous return (preload maintenance and regulation)
The pulmonary circulation
- Structure-function peculiarities
- Pulmonary vascular resistance : definition, regulation and measurement
- Outline
of fetal circulation and characteristics of fetal hemoglobin
- Heart-lung interaction:
Pulmonary circulation impact on right ventricular function
CPAP hemodynamics in the setting of acute heart failure.
of cardiovascular function
- Pressure / volume homeostasis (neural and endocrine)
- Adaptation to physiologic demand (exercise, gravity, pregnancy etc)Prerequisites
- Fundamentals of human physiology module (by Profs. Sancini and Rivolta)
- Fluency in EnglishTeaching form
All course activities will be held in English
Textbook and teaching resource
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 14 edition. Elsevier 2020, Chapters III (The Heart), IV (The Circulation) and VII (Respiration)
- Mohrman DE, Heller LJ. Cardiovascular Physiology 9th edition. McGraw Hill 2018Semester
- First semester
Assessment method
Oral exam: interview on the lesson topics in English
Office hours
By email appointment: antonio.zaza@unimib.it