Course Syllabus
Students will acquire the basic knowledge to develop expertise in teamwork and group dynamic, leadership, negotiation, communication in difficult situation, from the clinical psychology perspective; by formal teaching and by several practical experiences - both delivered by an expert psychologist - they will
increase self awareness of their own behaviours, attitudes and reactions, increasing their efficacy in teamwork, leadership, negotiation, conflict management, difficult or emergency situation
The course will provide, from the clinical psychology perspective, the basic knowledge of communication skills (dyadic and group) and a general overview of the most important psychological virtuous or vicious/pathological mechanisms involved in interpersonal relationship; students will learn these basic principles also by practical experiences and exercises (group activities, role-play, case simulation) and will learn some emotions and behaviors regulation strategies derived for the clinical practice.
Detailed program
Group and teamwork: group definition, structure, type, roles and group structure, moreno sociogram; principles of group dynamics, clinical psychology applied to group interactions, social control mechanisms, sensemaking, cohesiveness, group interaction; stages of team growth and group development; team work principles. leadership, Blanchard model
Communication: models
of communication, principles and strategy, pragmatics of communication, conversational analysis, variables in communication, setting, communication techniques for collecting information (active listening, open and close questions, probing questions, cues and concerns) and for giving information (communication guidelines); non verbal communication
Interaction: basic principles of negotiation and conflict resolution; the interpersonal motivational system model; personality and individual differences
Emotion: model of emotions, emotion regulation principles, Dialectic Behaviour Therapy skills in emotion regulation applied to group dynamics, mindfulness techniques
Disaster psychology, psychological first aid, resilience, burnout
Teaching form
Course language: english
Teaching form: Frontal lessons, supervised group activities, role-play, case simulation, book reading, selected movies discussion, individual work. Any changes may be possible in the event of a national pandemic, strictly following the instructions of the University
Textbook and teaching resource
A selection of scientific journal articles (Epub) will be provided by the teachers; slides provided by the teacher and uploaded on the e-learning website; link to webResources
first semester
Assessment method
Written: students will prepare a report (60.000 car. min) describing a group real life situations applying to the conceptual frameworks and models learned during the frontal lessons.
Oral: discussion of the written report
Marks are given as n/30.
Minimum positive value is 18/30
Any changes may be possible in the event of a national pandemic, strictly following the instructions of the University
Office hours
To make an
appointment, please contact the teachers by e-mail: