- Psychology
- Master Degree
- Applied Experimental Psychological Sciences [F5105P]
- Courses
- A.A. 2021-2022
- 2nd year
- Consumer Psychology
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Learning area
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
- Models and Theories of decision making
- Models and Theories of attitudes and persuasion
- Contexts and Trends of consumption
- Prediction of consumer behaviour.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- Application of consumer psychology to marketing
- Research Methods
- Marketing cases
The course provides a complete overview of the main topics of Consumer Psychology and integrates theoretical contributions with case histories from main brands and companies.
Detailed program
The course is divided in three parts.
- The first one is about theoretical and scientific models for the understanding of the consumer as an individual, and focuses on decision making, perception, and learning.
- The second part is concerned with motivation, attitudes, identity construction in relation with products consumption and brands, the role of the socio-cultural context, the social group and advertising.
- The third part explores fields of application such as ‘information communication technologies for consumer research and strategy, food consumption, marketing of experience and non-conventional marketing.
No one in particular
Teaching methods
Besides traditional lectures, learning is fostered by group exercises and e-learning based tests.
Exercises are aimed at developing reasoning skills, problem solving e the application of theory to real cases.*** Lessons will be held in presence or through online video lessons, according to the University’s regulations regarding the COVID-19 emergency situation. In both cases, all lessons will be video recorded and made available to the students. ***
Assessment methods
A written examination on open questions aimed at evaluating the mastering of the topic theories and main concepts together with the ability to adopt appropriate methodologies for strategic applications.
An additional oral examination can be conducted on request on the overall programme that can increase or decrease the written exam mark to up to three points.Textbooks and Reading Materials
The bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the course and published in the course web-site.