- Service Economics
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Obiettivi formativi
Il Corso di propone:
a) di offrire conoscenze di
base e specialistiche in materia di Ragioni, Strumenti ed Effetti
dell'intervento pubblico nei mercati delle società capitalistiche
b) di mettere in grado la/lo studentessa/te di valutare in modo critico le
politiche di riduzione del suddetto intervento seguite in vari Paesi negli
ultimi anni e di analizzare gli effetti della conseguente eliminazione o
privatizzazione delle attività precedentemente svolte dal settore pubblico.
c) di permettere
alla/o studentessa/te di acquisire competenze professionali in materia di
programmazione e gestione dei servizi pubblici ancora esistenti.
Contenuti sintetici
Programma esteso
L 1 Efficienza allocativa I
L 2 Efficienza allocativa II
L3 Concorrenza perfetta e allocazione efficiente
L 4 Monopolio Naturale I
L 5 Monopolio Naturale II
L 6 Monopolio Naturale multiprodotto
L7 Rendimenti di scala e subadditività
L8 Prezzi pari al MC e perdita di bilancio
L9 Il modello di Hotelling I
L 10 Il modello di Hotelling II
L 11 Finanziamento non distorsivo del sussidio
L 12 Pregie e limiti della tariffazione di FB
L 13 Il SB
L14 prezzi di SB I
L 15 La correzione distributiva dei prezzi di SB
L 16 Interpretazioni alternative e complementari dei prezzi di SB
L 17 Il modello di Loeb e Magat
L 18 Regolamentazione Bayesiana
L 19 Modello RoR I^
L 20 Modello RoR II^
L 21 Price -cap II^
L 22 Yardstick competion I^
L 23 Critica concorrenza alla Demzets
L24 Teoria delle aste I
L 25 Teoria delle aste II
L26 Teoria delle aste III
L27 Applicazione Aste per concessioni
L 28 Critiche meccanismi d'asta e applicazioni
L 29 Oligopoli e regolamentazione
L 30 Modello di Cournot I
L 31 Cournot II
L32 Counot con N > 2
L 33 Bertrand I
L 34 Bertrand con N > 2
L 35 Surplus sociale in Oligopolio I
L 36 Intervento pubblico Oligopolio
L 37 Integrazione Verticale I
L 38 Integrazione Verticale II
L 39 Alternative all'integrazione vertical
L 40 Fusioni Orizzontali I
L 41 Guadagni di Efficienza
L 42 Effetti Unilaterali
L 43 Casi di Antitrust I
L 44 Casi di Antitrust II
L 45 Casi di Antitrust III
L46 Casi di Antitrust IV
Metodi didattici
Lezioni frontali. Esercizi individuali e di gruppo con correzione in aula. Predisposizione del materiale didattico (testi e files di varia tipologia) nella pagina e-learning del corso.
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Esame finale scritto (6 domande di cui 3 esercizi; ciascuna domanda è suddivisa in singole parti). Al termine del primo modulo (circa 45 h di lezione frontale) è prevista una prova intermedia relativa al programma trattato sino a quel momento a lezione. Il superamento della prova intermedia (con votazione tra 0 e 16; minimo 9) implica limitazione del contenuto della prova finale alla sola seconda parte del corso (sempre con votazione compresa tra 0 e 16; minimo 9). La prova intermedia non è obbligatoria. In sua assenza la/lo studentessa/studente sostiene la prova completa relativa ad entrambe le parti/moduli (votazione compresa tra 0 e 32=30 con lode; minimo 18).
Gli studenti non frequentanti non possono accedere alla prova intermedia e devono sostenere la prova completa.
Testi di riferimento
Periodo di erogazione dell’insegnamento
First and second semester
Lingua di insegnamento
Learning objectives
The course will:
a) offer basic and specialized knowledge on the Reasons, Instruments and Effects of public intervention in the economies of contemporary capitalist societies.
b) enable the student to critically evaluate the policies that reduced the aforementioned intervention implemented in various countries in recent years and to analyze the effects of the consequent elimination or privatization of the activities previously carried out by the public sector.
c) allow the students to acquire professional skills in the field of planning and management of public services that still exist.
The course is organized in two non separated parts (modules).
The first part is called the Economics of Services. It is dedicated to the study of the theory of regulation of public utility services in conditions of both perfect information and information asymmetry. In the latter case, the study will cover both Bayesian and non-Bayesian models of natural monopoly regulation, single-production or multi-product. The main models of oligopoly will then be reviewed and the most widespread forms of regulation of these markets will be examined. This part will be completed with the analysis of the so-called competition for the market achieved through the application of auction mechanisms. Specific cases, relating to sectors such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, etc, will be considered.
The second part is called Economics of regulatory choices and deals with regulatory activities, carried out by applying the rules to protect competition and the market, carried out through the activity of independent authorities. The historical profile of this form of "intervention" and the main guiding criteria for the protection of consumers and producers followed by the Authorities will be examined. Some cases derived from specific rulings of the European and national Anti Trust Authorities will be subsequently discussed.
Detailed program
L 1 Allocative efficiency I
L 2 Allocative efficiency II
L3 Perfect competition and efficient allocation
L 4 Natural Monopoly I
L 5 Natural Monopoly II
L 6 Multi-product Natural Monopoly
L7 Returns to scale and subadditivity
L8 Prices equal to MC and budget loss
L9 Hotelling's model I
L 10 The Hotelling II model
L 11 Non-distortive financing of the subsidy
L 12 Benefits and limits of FB's pricing
L 13 The SB
L14 prices of SB I
L 15 The distributive correction of SB prices
L 16 Alternative and complementary interpretations of SB prices
L 17 The model of Loeb and Magat
L 18 Bayesian Regulation
L 19 Model RoR I ^
L 20 Model RoR II ^
L 21 Price-chap II ^
L 22 Yardstick competion I ^
L 23 Critical competition at Demzets
L24 Theory of auctions I
L 25 Theory of auctions II
L26 Theory of auctions III
L27 Application Auctions for concessions
L 28 Criticism of auction mechanisms and applications
L 29 Oligopolis and regulation
L 30 Cournot I model
L 31 Cournot II
L32 Counot with N> 2
L 33 Bertrand I
L 34 Bertrand with N> 2
L 35 Social surplus in Oligopoly I
L 36 Public intervention Oligopoly
L 37 Vertical Integration I
L 38 Vertical Integration II
L 39 Alternatives to vertical integration
L 40 Horizontal Castings I
L 41 Efficiency Gains
L 42 Unilateral Effects
L 43 Antitrust cases I
L 44 Antitrust cases II
L 45 Antitrust cases III
L46 Antitrust cases IV
A basic training in Microeconomics and a more than sufficient knowledge of the theory of competition, equilibrium and efficiency are required. (Reference text example: H. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, W. W. Norton & Company – 2014).
The knowledge of the fundamental techniques of elementary calculus (functions, limits, derivatives and integrals, with one or more variables) is very useful (and recommended).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Individual and group exercises with correction in the classroom. Preparation of the didactic material (texts and files of various types) on the e-learning page of the course.
Assessment methods
Final written exam (6 questions of which 3 exercises; each question is divided into individual parts). At the end of the first module (about 45 hours of frontal lessons) there will be an intermediate test relating to the program covered up to that moment in class. Passing the mid-term exam (with a grade between 0 and 16; minimum 9) implies a limitation of the content of the final exam to the second part of the course only (always with a grade between 0 and 16; at least 9). The intermediate test is not compulsory. In her absence, the student / student takes the complete test relating to both parts / modules (grade between 0 and 32 = 30 with honors; minimum 18).
Non-attending students cannot access the intermediate test and must take the final complete test.
Textbooks and Reading Materials
First and Second
Teaching language