- Strategic Analysis
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Obiettivi formativi
Alla fine di questo modulo gli studenti acquisiranno strumenti analitici avanzati che servono per elaborare ed eseguire strategie aziendali in mercati globali.
Contenuti sintetici
Questo modulo si articola in due parti. La prima parte offre agli studenti strumenti avanzati per l'elaborazione e l’esecuzione di strategie competitive e strategie corporate. La seconda parte del programma prevede l’approfondimento di alcuni temi fondamentali per la gestione delle imprese.
Programma esteso
1. Le strategie competitive
2. Comportamento strategico e analisi della concorrenza
3. Analisi di mercato e competenze dell’impresa
4. Strategie di integrazione verticale e orizzontale
5. Globalizzazione e commercio internazionale
6. Internazionalizzazione dell’impresa: export, investimenti diretti all’estero e alleanze strategiche
7. Innovation management
8. Temi di approfondimento:
8.1. Origine e performance delle nuove imprese
8.2. Dinamica competitiva
8.3. Strategie di crescita: M&A e alleanze strategiche
8. 4. La trasformazione digitale delle imprese
Metodi didattici
Lezioni frontali, lavori di gruppo e analisi di casi aziendali
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Partecipazione in aula, discussione di casi studio, lavori di gruppo, esame orale finale
Testi di riferimento
Raccolta di letture a cura del docente
Torrisi, S. (2019). Strategic Management. Selection of Readings. Laurea Magistrale in Marketing e Mercati Globali. McGraw-Hill Education Create. (capitoli 1-9)
Materiale addizionale (obbligatorio)
Barney J.B. 2001. Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten year retrospective on the resource-based view. Journal of Management, 27: 643–650.
Besanko D., Dranove D. 2017., Shanley M. Economics of Strategy, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, chapters 3, 4.
Ghemawat P. 2010. Strategy and the Business Landscape. Pearson International Edition, London, chapters 4 , 5.
M. E. Porter. 1996. What is
Strategy. Harvard Business Review. November-December, 61-78.
Teece, D. 2010. Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation. Long Range Planning. 43(2-3): 172-194.
Zott, C. and Amit, R. 2010. Business Model Design: An Activity Based Perspective, Long Range Planning. 43(2-3): 216-226.
Materiale addizionale per la preparazione dei temi di approfondimento e dei casi-studio sarà disponibile nella piattaforma e-learning.
Periodo di erogazione dell’insegnamento
II semestre
Lingua di insegnamento
Learning objectives
At the end of this module students will acquire the core concepts and analytical tools needed to elaborate and execute firm strategies in global markets.
This module in organized in two parts. The first part offers an overview of firm market strategies, by providing students with advanced analytical tools needed to understand competitive strategies and corporate strategies in global markets. In the second part of the module students will be involved in the analysis and discussion of special topics are at the core of the modern firm strategy.
Detailed program
1. Competitive strategies
2. Strategic behavior and competitors’ profiling
3. Market analysis and firm’s competences
4. Vertical integration and diversification
5. Globalization and international trade
6. International business: exportation, foreign direct investment and inter-firm alliances
7. Innovation management
8. Special Topics:
8.1. Origin and performance of new ventures
8.2. Competitive dynamics
8.3. Firm growth: M&A and strategic alliances
8.4. The digital transformation of firms
Teaching methods
Lectures, case studies, group work
Assessment methods
Class participation, case study discussion, group work, final oral exam
Textbooks and Reading Materials
Reading package
Torrisi, S. (2019). Strategic Management. Selection of Readings. Laurea Magistrale in Marketing e Mercati Globali. McGraw-Hill Education Create (Chapters 1-9).
Additional required reading material
Barney J.B. 2001. Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten year retrospective on the resource-based view. Journal of Management, 27: 643–650.
Besanko D., Dranove D. 2017., Shanley M. Economics of Strategy, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, chapters 3, 4.
Ghemawat P. 2010. Strategy and the Business Landscape. Pearson International Edition, London, chapters 4 , 5.
M. E. Porter. 1996. What is Strategy. Harvard Business Review. November-December, 61-78.
Teece, D. 2010. Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation. Long Range Planning. 43(2-3): 172-194.
Zott, C. and Amit, R. 2010. Business Model Design: An Activity Based Perspective, Long Range Planning. 43(2-3): 216-226.
Additional material for the discussion of cases will be made available on the e-learning platform.
II semester
Teaching language