Seminar course (Environment - Curricular)

Andrea Franzetti


Each student will produce a didactic seminar discussing a scientific topic that is not part of their research.

The themes of the seminars are chosen by the faculty teachers, among three themes proposed by the doctoral candidate.

The candidates need to be able to expose, explain and discuss scientific themes outside their field of research.

The aim of this mandatory course is to train Ph.D. candidate to hold discussions and to practice the dissemination of scientific concepts.

Evaluation: YES

1 CFU - 12 Hours (seminar)

Seminar course (Environment - Curricular)

Andrea Franzetti


Each student will produce a didactic seminar discussing a scientific topic that is not part of their research.

The themes of the seminars are chosen by the faculty teachers, among three themes proposed by the doctoral candidate.

The candidates need to be able to expose, explain and discuss scientific themes outside their field of research.

The aim of this mandatory course is to train Ph.D. candidate to hold discussions and to practice the dissemination of scientific concepts.

Evaluation: YES

1 CFU - 12 Hours (seminar)

II semester 

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione manuale