Syllabus del corso
**- conoscere e comprendere l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie disponibili in ambito riabilitativo
Programma esteso
- Principi e razionale della Robotica in Riabilitazione e Fisioterapia
- Sistemi di acquisizione e di analisi
- Dispositivi robotizzati (Arti superiori, Arti inferiori)
- Realtà virtuale
- Efficacia e limiti della Robotica in Riabilitazione
Modalità didattica
in presenza, salvo successive diverse disposizioni ministeriali legate all’emergenza pandemica
Materiale didattico
Swinnen E, Beckwée D, Meeusen R, Baeyens JP, Kerckhofs E. Does robot-assisted gait rehabilitation improve balance in stroke patients? A systematic review. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2014 Mar-Apr;21(2):87-100
Krebs HI, Hogan N. Robotic therapy: the tipping point. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Nov;91(11 Suppl 3):S290-7
Krebs HI. Robotic technology and physical medicine and rehabilitation. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 Jun;48(2):319-2
Lewis GN, Rosie JA. Virtual reality games for movement rehabilitation in neurological conditions: how do we meet the needs and expectations of the users? Disability and Rehabil.
2012 ;34(22):1880-6.
Periodo di erogazione dell'insegnamento
primo semestre
Modalità di verifica del profitto e valutazione
descritte nel syllabus dell'insegnamento
Orario di ricevimento
Su appuntamento
Sustainable Development Goals
- know and understand the use of new available technologies for rehabilitation
Detailed program
- robotics in phyiscal therapy: principles and rationale
- systems for data collection and data analysis
- robotic devices (upper and lower limb)
- virtual reality
- efficacy and limitation of the robotic rehabilitation
Teaching form
Lessons in attendance, subject to any ministerial changes following the COVID pandemic situation
Textbook and teaching resource
Swinnen E, Beckwée D, Meeusen R, Baeyens JP, Kerckhofs E. Does robot-assisted gait rehabilitation improve balance in stroke patients? A systematic review. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2014 Mar-Apr;21(2):87-100
Krebs HI, Hogan N. Robotic therapy: the tipping point. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Nov;91(11 Suppl 3):S290-7
Krebs HI. Robotic technology and physical medicine and rehabilitation. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 Jun;48(2):319-2
Lewis GN, Rosie JA. Virtual reality games for movement rehabilitation in neurological conditions: how do we meet the needs and expectations of the users? Disability and Rehabil.
2012 ;34(22):1880-6.
1st semester
Assessment method
Described in the subject's syllabus
Office hours
By appointment
Sustainable Development Goals
Scheda del corso
Davide Terranova