Syllabus del corso
Obiettivi formativi
Il corso si propone di:
1 - Conoscenza e comprensione: esaminare e discutere la relazione fra turismo, genere e generazioni (avvicendamento generazionale); riflettere sul rapporto tra turismo e mutamento sociale e culturale e sul futuro del turismo.
2 - Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione: fornire gli strumenti teorici e metodologici essenziali per l’analisi empirica della relazione tra turismo, genere, generazioni.
Contenuti sintetici
Costruzione di identità e ruoli di genere nel turismo;
Diseguaglianze di genere nel turismo;
Relazione tra turismo e mutamento sociale e culturale;
Applicazione della teoria generazionale allo studio del turismo;
Il futuro (possibile, auspicabile) del turismo.
Programma esteso
Il corso è composto da tre parti.
La prima parte introduttiva presenterà i concetti fondamentali per il corso.
La seconda parte rifletterà sulla relazione tra genere e turismo (stereotipi, differenze, disuguaglianze di genere).
La terza parte discuterà la relazione tra turismo e avvicendamento generazionale (mutamenti in corso, possibili trend e futuro del turismo).
Conoscenze sociologiche e di metodologia della ricerca sociale.
Il corso è erogato parzialmente in inglese (una parte del programma da preparare per l'esame è in lingua inglese).
Metodi didattici
Lezioni in aula e seminari tenuti da esperti/e.
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Esame scritto: 10 domande chiuse a scelta multipla (1,5 punti per ogni risposta corretta) e una aperta (max 15 punti) sui testi del programma d'esame (Required Readings).
Studentesse-studenti frequentanti (almeno 75% delle presenze) potranno decidere di effettuare un lavoro di gruppo – integrativo rispetto alla prova di esame – su una tematica trattata durante le lezioni e dai testi elencati nel programma d'esame. La tematica, scelta insieme a docente e tutor, si dovrà collocare all'interno delle seguenti aree: donne e uomini nel turismo; disuguaglianze di genere nel turismo; turismo e mutamento sociale e culturale; generazioni e turismo; il futuro del turismo.
Il lavoro (progettazione e definizione di un PPT) potrà essere svolto singolarmente o a piccoli gruppi (massimo 4 studenti/studentesse per gruppo).
Il PPT dovrà essere definito seguendo le norme inserite nel sito del corso (lezione n. 1). Il lavoro dovrà essere presentato e discusso in aula prima della fine del corso.
Testi di riferimento
Testi da studiare per l’esame/Required Readings
1 - Corbisiero, F, Monaco, S. & Ruspini, E. (2022). Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism, Channel View Publications:
2 - Ruspini, E., Gilli, M., Decataldo, A. & Del Greco, M. (2013). Turismo Generi Generazioni, Bologna, Zanichelli.
3 - Staffieri, S. (2018). L’esperienza turistica dei giovani italiani, Sapienza Università Editrice:
4 - UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition, Key Findings:
5 - UN Women (2022). Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in COVID-19 Response and Recovery:
Letture consigliate/Suggested Readings
Corbisiero, F. & Ruspini, E. (eds. 2018). Millennials and Generation Z: Challenges and Future Perspectives for International Tourism, Special Issue «The Journal of Tourism Futures-ETFI», 4, 1 - Guest editorial + articoli di: Salvatore Monaco - Steven J.Migacz & James F. Petrick - Elena Cavagnaro, Simona Staffieri & Albert Postma - Monica Bernardi - Medéia Veríssimo & Carlos Costa – Hamed Haddouche & Christine Salomone - Maria Ek Styvén & Tim Foster - Heather Skinner, David Sarpong & Gareth R.T. White:
Correia, A. & Dolnicar, S. (eds. 2021). Women’s Voices in Tourism Research. Contributions to Knowledge and Letters to Future Generations:
ETC-European Travel Commission & Atout France (2022). Restarting Tourism for the Better: Performance of European Tourism before, during & after Covid:
UN (2020). Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism, August 2020:
UNWTO (2020). Impact Assessment of the Covid-19 Outbreak on International Tourism (Updated January 2022):
UNWTO (2021). Inclusive Recovery Guide – Sociocultural Impacts of Covid-19, Issue 3: Women in Tourism:
UNWTO-WYSE Travel Confederation (2016). Global Report on the Power of Youth Travel:
UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition:
WBG-The World Bank Group (2017). Women and Tourism: Designing for Inclusion:
1 - Corbisiero, F, Monaco, S. & Ruspini, E. (2022). Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism, Channel View Publications:
2 - ETC-European Travel Commission & Atout France (2022). Restarting Tourism for the Better: Performance of European Tourism before, during & after Covid:
3 - UN (2020). Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism, August 2020:
4 - UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition, Key Findings:
5 - UN Women (2022). Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in COVID-19 Response and Recovery:
Sustainable Development Goals
Learning objectives
The aims of the course are:
1 - Knowledge and understanding: to analyse the relationship between gender, generations and tourism; to understand some aspects of the nexus between tourism and sociocultural change and how tourism might evolve over the coming decades.
2 - Application of the acquired knowledge: to increase students’ methodological skills and competencies that will enable them conduct acceptable independent research in these areas.
The course aims to discuss:
the role played by tourism in the formation of gender identities and roles;
gender inequality in tourism;
the challenges posed to tourism by generational change;
the nexus between tourism and sociocultural change.
The course will use a generational approach to the study of tourism and its future development.
Detailed program
In the first part of the course, key concepts (both theoretical and methodological) are presented.
The second part of the course will focus on gendered tourism practices & gender stereotypes and inequalities in tourism
The third part of the course will be devoted to examining the relationship between tourism and generational turnover (travel trends across generations; young people and tourism) & the future of tourism.
Reasonable skills in sociology and social research methodology.
The course is partially taught in English.
Teaching methods
Lessons and seminars held by guest speakers.
Assessment methods
Written exam: 10 multiple-choice closed questions (1.5 points for each correct answer) and 1 open question (maximum 15 points) on required readings.
Attending students (at least 75 percent of attendance) may decide to organize a group work - supplementary to the examination test - on a topic covered during the lectures and by the texts (required and suggested readings). The topic should be chosen within the following areas: women and men in tourism; gender inequalities in tourism; tourism and social and cultural change; generations and tourism; the future of tourism.
The work can be done individually or in small groups (maximum 4 students per group).
The work (PPT) should be presented and discussed in front of the class before the end of the course.
Textbooks and Reading Materials
Required Readings
1 - Corbisiero, F, Monaco, S. & Ruspini, E. (2022). Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism, Channel View Publications:
2 - Ruspini, E., Gilli, M., Decataldo, A. & Del Greco, M. (2013). Turismo Generi Generazioni, Bologna, Zanichelli.
3 - Staffieri, S. (2018). L*’esperienza turistica dei giovani italiani*, Sapienza Università Editrice:
4 - UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition, Key Findings:
5 - UN Women (2022). Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in COVID-19 Response and Recovery:
Suggested Readings
Corbisiero, F. & Ruspini, E. (eds. 2018). Millennials and Generation Z: Challenges and Future Perspectives for International Tourism, Special Issue «The Journal of Tourism Futures-ETFI», 4, 1 - Guest editorial + articoli di: Salvatore Monaco - Steven J.Migacz & James F. Petrick - Elena Cavagnaro, Simona Staffieri & Albert Postma - Monica Bernardi - Medéia Veríssimo & Carlos Costa – Hamed Haddouche & Christine Salomone - Maria Ek Styvén & Tim Foster - Heather Skinner, David Sarpong & Gareth R.T. White:
Correia, A. & Dolnicar, S. (eds. 2021). Women’s Voices in Tourism Research. Contributions to Knowledge and Letters to Future Generations:
ETC-European Travel Commission & Atout France (2022). Restarting Tourism for the Better: Performance of European Tourism before, during & after Covid:
UN (2020). Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism, August 2020:
UNWTO (2020). Impact Assessment of the Covid-19 Outbreak on International Tourism (Updated January 2022):
UNWTO (2021). Inclusive Recovery Guide – Sociocultural Impacts of Covid-19, Issue 3: Women in Tourism:
UNWTO-WYSE Travel Confederation (2016). Global Report on the Power of Youth Travel:
UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition:
WBG-The World Bank Group (2017). Women and Tourism: Designing for Inclusion:
1 - Corbisiero, F, Monaco, S. & Ruspini, E. (2022). Millennials, Generation Z and the Future of Tourism, Channel View Publications:
2 - ETC-European Travel Commission & Atout France (2022). Restarting Tourism for the Better: Performance of European Tourism before, during & after Covid:
3 - UN (2020). Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism, August 2020:
4 - UN Women-UNWTO (2019). Global Report on Women in Tourism 2020 – Second edition, Key Findings:
5 - UN Women (2022). Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in COVID-19 Response and Recovery:
Sustainable Development Goals
Scheda del corso
Elisabetta Ruspini