- Eu Business Law
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Learning objectives
The course seeks to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the institutions, rules and principles of the European law busines system, as well as of key legal and policy issues arising from the phenomenon of economic and financial globalization of the World, above all, in light of the current economic and financial crisis.
The objectives of the course are:
1- to study some of the major trends in the legal regime governing interstate relationships in the monetary, economic and financial sectors.
2- to offer a theoretical and practical introduction to the main legal issues arising from the globalisation of the world economy and its current crisis.
3- to develop critical skills for objective analysis of European economic legal and policy issues, and of its interactions with other areas of European l'economia aw;
4- to provide students with the academic skills required to analyze the activities of European governmental and non-governmental organizations and private economic and trade actors in the field of European business law
The introduction to the course will focus on the evolution of the European integration process, the sources of European Union law and the role, functions and functioning of the main European institutions.
Subsequently, the four foundamental freedoms, EU company and competitionlaw and the Economic and monetary Union will be studied.
The European Business Law is a course held in English, designed for students of marketing and mercato Globali and also for Erasmus and other foreign students visiting University of Milano Bicocca, School of Economy.
The course intends to give an insight on European Business Law with a particular focus on Company Law and Competition Law of the European Union and with a specific attention to the eurocrisis and the reform of the European monetary and economic governance.
Lectures basically focus on EU Primary and seondary Rules (Directives and Regulations), and on EU case-law.
Students are required to be familiar with basic company law and competition law principles of their country of origin, and with the EU law and institutions. All are quested to demonstrate ability in communicating in English on legal issues.
Detailed program
1 The EU Single Market and its Freedoms
2 Origins and the features of European Company Law and the Freedom of
3 Primary establishment
4 Introduction to competition law, main principles, basic concepts: notion of
undertaking in competition law
5 Secondary establishment
6 Definition of undertaking in competition law. Distinction between undertaking
and other activities.
7 Art. 101 TFUE. Agreements, decisions and concerted practices.
8 The Formation of an SE
9 Art. 101: cartels and other infringements
10 Art. 102 TFUE. The relevant market and the definition of dominant position.
11 Art. 102 TFUE. Non pricing practices; Pricing practices
12 Mergers Control and Acquisitions.
13 The Euro and the eurozone crisis
14 The European monetary and economic governance
15 The EU in front of the pandemic crisis
It is strongly recommended to have attended the corse of EU LAW (diritto dell'Unione europea, corso base)
Teaching methods
Frontal lecture in class.
Assessment methods
For students attending 75% of the lecutures there will be the chance to present and debate with the teacher a presentation/paper on a specific topic analyzed during the course.
Students falling outside that category: oral exam.
Textbooks and Reading Materials
Peroni G., Which future for the euro and the European monetary union after the European elections?, Cacucci, 2021.
Santa Maria A., European Economic Law, Wolters Kluwer, 2019.
Moussis N., Access to the European Union, Intersentia, 2015, chapters: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15
Other materials will be directly recommended during the course
Second Semester.
Teaching language
Sustainable Development Goals
Key information
Niccolò Emanuele Onesti