Syllabus del corso
The Appropriate Leadership. A sustainable approach to inclusive leadership in diverse contexts
Prof.ssa Ida Castiglioni
Breve descrizione
This workshop will address the many challenges leaders have to face when operating in a diverse, often international context. Efficacious leadership is not “one size fits all”: leading a diverse team means being able to value dif-ference and provide appropriate guidance according to different expecta-tions. Leaders need to recognize their own and others’ preferred perceptual styles and their embodied experience of those styles in order to create strat-egies and tactics for translating inclusivity into sustainable innovation. The workshop will provide opportunities for apprehending new frameworks and reflecting on personal and professional experience in order to make their work more impactful and globally responsible. It will use a developmental ra-ther than transformative approach to the notion of change and difference. Leaders need to acquire a fresh perspective for carving their own unique leadership in terms of “appropriateness” to context and learn how to be-come facilitators of a new, encompassing vision
Target audience
The more different backgrounds of doctoral students, the better. This is a cross-competence any Ph.D. should have to be able to play in the interna-tional arena. Students will be challenged to work together starting from their different disciplinary context. Ideally participants should be at their sec-ond/third year of their Ph.D. program.
Min 8 Max 20
The course is highly interactive, in presence, and will need full attendance.
CFU / Ore
1,5 CFU / 12 hrs
Periodo di erogazione
16/01/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
23/01/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
06/02/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
course registration on "segreterie online": from 20/12/2022 to 11/01/2023
Sustainable Development Goals
The Appropriate Leadership. A sustainable approach to inclusive leadership in diverse contexts
Prof.ssa Ida Castiglioni
Short description
This workshop will address the many challenges leaders have to face when operating in a diverse, often international context. Efficacious leadership is not “one size fits all”: leading a diverse team means being able to value dif-ference and provide appropriate guidance according to different expecta-tions. Leaders need to recognize their own and others’ preferred perceptual styles and their embodied experience of those styles in order to create strat-egies and tactics for translating inclusivity into sustainable innovation. The workshop will provide opportunities for apprehending new frameworks and reflecting on personal and professional experience in order to make their work more impactful and globally responsible. It will use a developmental ra-ther than transformative approach to the notion of change and difference. Leaders need to acquire a fresh perspective for carving their own unique leadership in terms of “appropriateness” to context and learn how to be-come facilitators of a new, encompassing vision
Target audience
The more different backgrounds of doctoral students, the better. This is a cross-competence any Ph.D. should have to be able to play in the interna-tional arena. Students will be challenged to work together starting from their different disciplinary context. Ideally participants should be at their sec-ond/third year of their Ph.D. program.
Min 8 Max 20
The course is highly interactive, in presence, and will need full attendance.
CFU / Hours
1,5 CFU / 12 hrs
Teaching period
16/01/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
23/01/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
06/02/2023 9:00 am -1:00 pm U6-35
course registration on "segreterie online": from 20/12/2022 to 11/01/2023