Quantitative and qualitative data analysis

Caterina Liberati / Alessandro Sancino (UNIMIB)


  • Introduction to Quantitative/Qualitative Analysis
  • Qualitative data collection - methods and techniques
  • Qualitative data analysis and coding
  • Qualitative data reporting and visualization
  • Relationship among Variables
  • Unsupervised Learning


-to enable students to understand the underpinnings and methodological aims of the qualitative/quantitative methods.

-to provide students ability to recognize the appropriateness of approaches, and solutions.

-to allow students to experiment the use of different approaches and related techniques for data collection and analysis.

Evaluation: Written assignments and elaboration of group studies

4 CFU - 32 hours

I year, I semester



  • Paola Agnese Bongini
    Paola Agnese Bongini
  • Docente

  • Enrico Guarini
    Enrico Guarini
  • Caterina Liberati
  • Elisabetta Marafioti
    Elisabetta Marafioti
  • Alessandro Angelo Sancino
  • Benedetta Trivellato
    Benedetta Trivellato

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione manuale