Pedagogical Issues in Educational Research


Prof. Pierangelo Barone, Department of Human Sciences for Education
Prof. Andrea Mangiatordi, Department of Human Sciences for Education

Prof. Pierangelo Barone, Milano-Bicocca University (8 hours)
Prof. Andrea Mangiatordi, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Ulivieri Stiozzi, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa E. Nigris, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa M. Guerra, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa C. Bove, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa F. Antonacci, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Gabriella Seveso, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Giulia Pastori, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)


The course offers an introduction to the field of research on education and learning, based on a general presentation of the history of the discipline, the main pedagogical theories and models of research, and research communities (scientific societies, journals, conferences) in Italy, Europe and worldwide. Due to the complexity of the field, and fragmentation of the pedagogical landscape, the course can only be introductory and aimed at orienting the students in the diversity of epistemologies, theories, contexts, and communities of researchers. Each student will need to position her/himself in relation to the field, in an active, reflexive and critical way.

The course will comprise the following lectures (see calendar for dates of classes):

• Contemporary Society and educational issues. Introduction to the Pedagogy Module
(prof. Barone, prof. Mangiatordi)

• From implicit education to the birth of pedagogy. A historico-critical introduction
(prof.ssa Ulivieri Stiozzi)

• Reflections on school and academia recent evolution
(Prof.ssa Seveso)

• School and society. Teaching research and methodological reflection.
Teaching competencies in educational work. Experiences and research models
(Prof.ssa Nigris)

• First seminar: Democratic schooling and participation in contemporary society
(Prof.ssa Pastori)

• Second seminar: Towards an ecology of education: experiences and research models
(Prof.ssa Guerra)

• Third seminar: Learning technology trends: reimagining futures
(Prof. Mangiatordi, prof. Ferri)

• Fourth seminar: Co-constructing a pedagogy of discomfort and interculturality in superdiverse contexts
(Prof.ssa Bove, prof.ssa Akpovo)

• Generative pedagogy
(prof.ssa Antonacci, prof.ssa Mannese)

• Course evaluation
(Prof. Mangiatordi, prof. Barone)

5 cfu/40 hours

See PhD calendar


Pedagogical Issues in Educational Research


Prof. Pierangelo Barone, Department of Human Sciences for Education
Prof. Andrea Mangiatordi, Department of Human Sciences for Education

Prof. Pierangelo Barone, Milano-Bicocca University (8 hours)
Prof. Andrea Mangiatordi, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Ulivieri Stiozzi, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa E. Nigris, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa M. Guerra, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa C. Bove, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa F. Antonacci, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Gabriella Seveso, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)
Prof.ssa Giulia Pastori, Milano-Bicocca University (4 hours)


The course offers an introduction to the field of research on education and learning, based on a general presentation of the history of the discipline, the main pedagogical theories and models of research, and research communities (scientific societies, journals, conferences) in Italy, Europe and worldwide. Due to the complexity of the field, and fragmentation of the pedagogical landscape, the course can only be introductory and aimed at orienting the students in the diversity of epistemologies, theories, contexts, and communities of researchers. Each student will need to position her/himself in relation to the field, in an active, reflexive and critical way.

The course will comprise the following lectures (see calendar for dates of classes):

• Contemporary Society and educational issues. Introduction to the Pedagogy Module
(prof. Barone, prof. Mangiatordi)

• From implicit education to the birth of pedagogy. A historico-critical introduction
(prof.ssa Ulivieri Stiozzi)

• Reflections on school and academia recent evolution
(Prof.ssa Seveso)

• School and society. Teaching research and methodological reflection.
Teaching competencies in educational work. Experiences and research models
(Prof.ssa Nigris)

• First seminar: Democratic schooling and participation in contemporary society
(Prof.ssa Pastori)

• Second seminar: Towards an ecology of education: experiences and research models
(Prof.ssa Guerra)

• Third seminar: Learning technology trends: reimagining futures
(Prof. Mangiatordi, prof. Ferri)

• Fourth seminar: Co-constructing a pedagogy of discomfort and interculturality in superdiverse contexts
(Prof.ssa Bove, prof.ssa Akpovo)

• Generative pedagogy
(prof.ssa Antonacci, prof.ssa Mannese)

• Course evaluation
(Prof. Mangiatordi, prof. Barone)

5 cfu/40 hours

See PhD calendar



  • Chiara Maria Bove
  • Teacher

  • Francesca Antonacci
    Francesca Antonacci
  • Pierangelo Barone
  • Paolo Maria Ferri
    Paolo Maria Ferri
  • Andrea Galimberti
    Andrea Galimberti
  • Ilaria Grazzani
  • Monica Guerra
    Monica Guerra
  • Andrea Mangiatordi
    Andrea Mangiatordi
  • Elisabetta Nigris
  • Giulia Gabriella Elena Pastori
  • Stefano Pippa
    Stefano Pippa
  • Gabriella Seveso
    Gabriella Seveso
  • Stefania Ulivieri Stiozzi Ridolfi
    Stefania Ulivieri Stiozzi Ridolfi

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione manuale