Syllabus del corso
Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire allo studente infermiere le conoscenze specifiche sull’assistenza al paziente affetto da malattie onco ematologiche, partendo da un approfondimento della clinica, analizzando le procedure terapeutiche quali chemioterapia e trapianto di cellule staminali, fino ad approfondire gli aspetti relazionali
Contenuti sintetici
Approccio clinico assistenziale al paziente ematologico partendo da un’analisi del contesto organizzativo.
Approccio alla particolare fragilità del paziente ematologico.
Approfondimento delle principali patologie ematologiche
Programma esteso
Importanza delle procedure diagnostiche e terapeutiche ai fini della diagnosi (Aspirato midollare; biopsia Ossea; Rachicentesi medicata; aferesi terapeutica)
Il trapianto di midollo (allogenico e Autologo);
La comunicazione e la relazione con l’esterno e i familiari del paziente; Il supporto psicologico a pazienti, familiari e caregiver.
L’evento fine vita come esito o complicanza della malattia;
La presa in carico del paziente dopo la dimissione
Iscrizione al 2^ e 3^ anno di corso di Laurea In Infermieristica
Modalità didattica
La lezione si svolge in modalità erogativa in presenza attraverso lezione frontale, videoproiezione, discussione e lavori di gruppo
Materiale didattico
Amonoo, H. L., El-Jawahri, A., Celano, C. M., Brown, L. A., Harnedy, L. E., Longley, R. M., Onyeaka, H. K., Healy, B. C., Cutler, C. S., Pirl, W. F., Lee, S.J., & Huffman, J. C. (2021). A positive psychology intervention to promote health outcomes in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: the PATH proof- of-concept trial. Bone marrow transplantation, 56(9), 2276–2279
Avvisati, G. e Mandelli, F. 2019. Ematologia di Mandelli. 2 a ed. Padova: Piccin.
Berger, O., Grønberg, B. H., Loge, J. H., Kaasa, S., & Sand, K. (2018). Cancer patients' knowledge about their disease and treatment before, during and after treatment: a prospective, longitudinal study. BMC cancer, 18(1), 381
Fenech, A. L., Van Benschoten, O., Jagielo, A. D., Ufere, N. N., Topping, C., Clay, M., Jones, B. T., Traeger, L., Temel, J. S., & El-Jawahri, A. (2021). Post- Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Transplantation and cellular therapy, 27(4), 341.e1–341.e6
Gallegos, R., Kogelman, A., Wagner, M., Cloud, A., Olson, M., Robideau, K., Patrick, L., Comfort, J., & Hirko, K. (2019). Chemotherapy Education: An Interprofessional Approach to Standardizing Processes and Improving Nurse and Patient Satisfaction. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 23(3), 309–314.
Goerling, U., Faller, H., Hornemann, B., Hönig, K., Bergelt, C., Maatouk, I., Stein, B., Teufel, M., Erim, Y., Geiser, F., Niecke, A., Senf, B., Wickert, M.,Büttner-Teleaga, A., & Weis, J. (2020). Information needs in cancer patients across the disease trajectory. A prospective study. Patient education and counseling, 103(1), 120–126
Guimarães Ferreira da Silva, D., Pessoa de Souza, A., de Freitas Martins, T. C., Martins Pedrosa, T., Drumond Muzi, C., & Mendonça Guimarães, R. (2017). Quality of information given to surgical patients with abdominal cancer. Investigacion y educacion en enfermeria, 35(2), 221–231
Kim, I. R., Jang, S. Y., Shin, H. S., Choi, H. J., Jung, C. W., Yoon, S. S., Kim, J. S., Kim, S. J., Kim, K., Kim, W. S., Lee, C. H., Kang, D., & Cho, J. (2020). Association between sexuality knowledge and sexual dysfunction in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients and their partners. Patient education and counseling, 103(8), 1630–1636
Page, C., Cordon, C., & Wong, J. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of a mnemonic to guide staff when providing patient education to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Canadian oncology nursing journal = Revue canadienne de nursing oncologique, 29(2), 123–131.
Ridgeway J. A. (2018). Interdisciplinary Educational Checklist for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Patients. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 9(6), 646–654
Associazione Italiana Contro Leucemie Linfomi e Mieloma (n.d) Data di consultazione 29 agosto 2021
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (2019) Blood and Marrow Stem Celle Transplantation Guide. Consultabile online:
Periodo di erogazione dell'insegnamento
Secondo semestre
Orario di ricevimento
Su appuntamento
Sustainable Development Goals
The course aims to provide the student nurse specific knowledge on the care of patients suffering from onco-haematological diseases, starting from a deepening of the clinic, analyzing therapeutic procedures such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation, to deepen the relational aspects
Clinical approach to the haematological patient based on an analysis of the organizational context.
Approach to the particular fragility of the haematological patient.
Study of the main haematological pathologies
Detailed program
Importance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for diagnosis (Bone Marrow Aspiration; Bone Biopsy; Medicated Rachicentesis; Therapeutic apheresis)
Bone marrow transplantation (allogeneic and autologous);
Communication and relationship with the outside and family members of the patient; Psychological support to patients, family members and caregivers.
The end-of-life event as outcome or complication of the disease;
Taking charge of the patient after discharge
Enrolment in the 2nd and 3rd year of the Degree Program in Nursing
Teaching form
The lesson is held in a paying mode in presence through frontal lesson, video projection, discussion and group work
Textbook and teaching resource
Amonoo, H. L., El-Jawahri, A., Celano, C. M., Brown, L. A., Harnedy, L. E., Longley, R. M., Onyeaka, H. K., Healy, B. C., Cutler, C. S., Pirl, W. F., Lee, S.J., & Huffman, J. C. (2021). A positive psychology intervention to promote health outcomes in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: the PATH proof- of-concept trial. Bone marrow transplantation, 56(9), 2276–2279
Avvisati, G. e Mandelli, F. 2019. Ematologia di Mandelli. 2 a ed. Padova: Piccin.
Berger, O., Grønberg, B. H., Loge, J. H., Kaasa, S., & Sand, K. (2018). Cancer patients' knowledge about their disease and treatment before, during and after treatment: a prospective, longitudinal study. BMC cancer, 18(1), 381
Fenech, A. L., Van Benschoten, O., Jagielo, A. D., Ufere, N. N., Topping, C., Clay, M., Jones, B. T., Traeger, L., Temel, J. S., & El-Jawahri, A. (2021). Post- Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Transplantation and cellular therapy, 27(4), 341.e1–341.e6
Gallegos, R., Kogelman, A., Wagner, M., Cloud, A., Olson, M., Robideau, K., Patrick, L., Comfort, J., & Hirko, K. (2019). Chemotherapy Education: An Interprofessional Approach to Standardizing Processes and Improving Nurse and Patient Satisfaction. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 23(3), 309–314.
Goerling, U., Faller, H., Hornemann, B., Hönig, K., Bergelt, C., Maatouk, I., Stein, B., Teufel, M., Erim, Y., Geiser, F., Niecke, A., Senf, B., Wickert, M.,Büttner-Teleaga, A., & Weis, J. (2020). Information needs in cancer patients across the disease trajectory. A prospective study. Patient education and counseling, 103(1), 120–126
Guimarães Ferreira da Silva, D., Pessoa de Souza, A., de Freitas Martins, T. C., Martins Pedrosa, T., Drumond Muzi, C., & Mendonça Guimarães, R. (2017). Quality of information given to surgical patients with abdominal cancer. Investigacion y educacion en enfermeria, 35(2), 221–231
Kim, I. R., Jang, S. Y., Shin, H. S., Choi, H. J., Jung, C. W., Yoon, S. S., Kim, J. S., Kim, S. J., Kim, K., Kim, W. S., Lee, C. H., Kang, D., & Cho, J. (2020). Association between sexuality knowledge and sexual dysfunction in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients and their partners. Patient education and counseling, 103(8), 1630–1636
Page, C., Cordon, C., & Wong, J. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of a mnemonic to guide staff when providing patient education to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Canadian oncology nursing journal = Revue canadienne de nursing oncologique, 29(2), 123–131.
Ridgeway J. A. (2018). Interdisciplinary Educational Checklist for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Patients. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 9(6), 646–654
Associazione Italiana Contro Leucemie Linfomi e Mieloma (n.d) Data di consultazione 29 agosto 2021
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (2019) Blood and Marrow Stem Celle Transplantation Guide. Consultabile online:
Second semester
Assessment method
Office hours
By appointment