- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2024-2025
- 4th year
- Biochemistry
- Summary
Course Syllabus
To understand the biochemical pathways underlying the CNS metabolism under physiological conditions. To understand how derangement of metabolism can affect CNS functions. The course will focus on the biochemical and metabolic changes occurring in pathological conditions.
Metabolism of CNS (saccharides, proteins amino acids, lipids). Biochemistry of the blood-brain barrier. Metabolic changes in pathological conditions. Nutritional aspects. Neurotransmitters.
Detailed program
Metabolism of CNS (carbohydrates, proteins amino acids, lipids) in physiological conditions. Biochemistry of the blood-brain barrier. Metabolic changes in neurodegenerative diseases. Metabolic changes in brain tumours. Metabolic changes in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Nutritional aspects. Metabolism of neurotransmitters.
Basic knowledge of biochemistry, biology and chemistry.
Teaching form
8 h (4 lessons, 2 h each): Frontal Lesson (DE), face-to-face lessons
2 h (1 lesson of 2 h): Frontal Lesson (DE), online lessons
Frontal lectures that require the active participation of students who will be involved in the subject by proposing group work, and discussion of problems related to the change of body metabolism in different conditions.
Textbook and teaching resource
Biochemistry with clinical cases . T. Devlin; Biochemistry, Berg et al.
Scientific papers/reviews, slides and materials used during frontal lessons. All the materials will be loaded on e-learning platform.
second semester.
Assessment method
Individual written examination
6 multiple-choice questions (5 marks each) on frontal lesson, together with the other modules of the LMVT
to be completed in 30 minutes.
The questions proposed in the written exam will be constructed in such a way as to induce the student to biochemical-clinical reasoning, to understand the units of measurement and to be able to evaluate the skills and competences acquired according to the objectives of the course.
There are no itinere tests planned.
Office hours
on appointment to francesca.re1@unimib.it