Realising the Green Transition

Heiko Lange
Elena Collina


The short, intense course will generate awareness regarding opportunities and challenges correlated to the process of implementing sustainability in industries and societies, i.e., fostering the postulated ‘green transition’. The last decade has generated a huge amount of knowledge regarding sustainable use of resources, energies and processing. Implementation of this knowledge requires an awareness and common fundamental knowledge of associated theo-retical and practical aspects across various scientific areas and fields, requiring a close networking between natural sciences, sociology, economy and law in shortest time frames. The following points will be exemplary covered:
• Greenness vs. sustainability vs. economic viability
• Intercept points of biorefinery concepts with current industrial production schemes.
• Modern energy harvesting and storage options.
• Business models connected to exploiting renewable resources.
• Concept of carbon footprint and methods for quantification.
Tools for monitoring impact of exploitation of renewable and sustainable re-sources and energies on current business models.

Traget audience
PhD students of all disciplines directly or indirectly concerned with the necessary ecologic change of modern societies.

The topics will be treated also in form of case studies: short introduction into the case by the lecturer, followed by elaboration of the cases in teamwork, presentation/discussion of results.
The language and the level of details will be tailored to the specific needs of the actual audience that will be evaluated at the beginning of the course; eventual knowledge differences will be accounted for by immediate inter-ventions by the lecturer and in form of background material made available via the e-learning platform prior to the lectures.
Active participation in group work and during final discussion of cases is re-quired for successful participation.

1 CFU / 8 hrs

10/06/2025 2 pm - 6 pm
19706/2025 2 pm - 6 pm

course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 21/05/2025 to 04/06/2025


Realising the Green Transition

Heiko Lange
Elena Collina


The short, intense course will generate awareness regarding opportunities and challenges correlated to the process of implementing sustainability in industries and societies, i.e., fostering the postulated ‘green transition’. The last decade has generated a huge amount of knowledge regarding sustainable use of resources, energies and processing. Implementation of this knowledge requires an awareness and common fundamental knowledge of associated theo-retical and practical aspects across various scientific areas and fields, requiring a close networking between natural sciences, sociology, economy and law in shortest time frames. The following points will be exemplary covered:
• Greenness vs. sustainability vs. economic viability
• Intercept points of biorefinery concepts with current industrial produc-tion schemes.
• Modern energy harvesting and storage options.
• Business models connected to exploiting renewable resources.
• Concept of carbon footprint and methods for quantification.
Tools for monitoring impact of exploitation of renewable and sustainable re-sources and energies on current business models.

Traget audience
PhD students of all disciplines directly or indirectly concerned with the necessary ecologic change of modern societies.

The topics will be treated also in form of case studies: short introduction into the case by the lecturer, followed by elaboration of the cases in teamwork, presentation/discussion of results.
The language and the level of details will be tailored to the specific needs of the actual audience that will be evaluated at the beginning of the course; eventual knowledge differences will be accounted for by immediate inter-ventions by the lecturer and in form of background material made available via the e-learning platform prior to the lectures.
Active participation in group work and during final discussion of cases is re-quired for successful participation.

1 CFU / 8 hrs

10/06/2025 2 pm - 6 pm
19706/2025 2 pm - 6 pm

course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 21/05/2025 to 04/06/2025



  • Elena Maria Collina
    Elena Maria Collina
  • Heiko Lange

Enrolment methods

Manual enrolments