Course Syllabus
Introduction to multisciplinary aspects of sustainability
Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, Matteo Colleoni, Patrizia Steca, Andrea Garavaglia
Breve descrizione
The aim of the course is to provide a transdisciplinary introduction to the concepts of sustainability.
Part 1 (Emilio Padoa-Schioppa)
Concept of sustainability
The Anthropocene epoch
Scientific approaches to sustainability epoch
Ecosystem services and Ecological footprint evaluation
Part 2 (Andrea Garavaglia)
Social justice and social inclusion
Sustainability, social justice and social inclusion
Sustainability and Education: policies, strategies and practices
Part 3 (Matteo Colleoni)
The (un)sustainable consequences of current urbanization and transport system
Main factors related to mobility increase
Impact of human mobility on environment and society
Strategic lines and policies for sustainable mobility
Part 4* (Patrizia Steca)
Sustainability in social sciences
Promoting sustainability through behavioral interventions
Conclusions (all)
Sustainability and research
Short discussion of students (to organize/reading different papers about this theme and presenting some output)
Target audience
PhD students with not specific knowledge or skills in sustainability sciences, but that are interested in understanding how a transdisciplinary approach can leverage the change of paradigm needed to match sustainability goals.
Min 10 Max 50
The course style will be process-oriented and interactive. Theoretical inputs will be followed by exercises, partner work, role-plays, case studies and group-work, when appropriate. Each lesson will have focus on specific topic, with hooks with all the others. The language and the level of details will be tailored to the specific needs of the actual audience; in case of lack of basic elements or knowledge, these will be provided either by the lecturer or by providing PhD students with specific documents. During the lessons participants will receive references to the literature needed and vison papers, as well as suggestions of relevant platforms and websites that can be useful.
CFU / Ore
2 CFU / 16 hrs
Periodo di erogazione
Lecture 1 (EPS)
3 December (16:30-18:00)
Lecture 2 (EPS)
4 December (16:30-18:00)
Lecture 3 (AG)
10 December (14:00-17:00)
Lecture 4 (MC)
16 december (10:00-13:00)
Lecture 5 (PS)
16 January (11:00-14:00)
Lecture 6 (all)
27 February (14:30-18:30)
course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 11/11/2024 to 27/11/2024
Sustainable Development Goals
Introduction to multisciplinary aspects of sustainability
Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, Matteo Colleoni, Patrizia Steca, Andrea Garavaglia
Short description
The aim of the course is to provide a transdisciplinary introduction to the concepts of sustainability.
Part 1 (Emilio Padoa-Schioppa)
Concept of sustainability
The Anthropocene epoch
Scientific approaches to sustainability epoch
Ecosystem services and Ecological footprint evaluation
Part 2 (Andrea Garavaglia)
Social justice and social inclusion
Sustainability, social justice and social inclusion
Sustainability and Education: policies, strategies and practices
Part 3 (Matteo Colleoni)
The (un)sustainable consequences of current urbanization and transport system
Main factors related to mobility increase
Impact of human mobility on environment and society
Strategic lines and policies for sustainable mobility
Part 4* (Patrizia Steca)
Sustainability in social sciences
Promoting sustainability through behavioral interventions
Conclusions (all)
Sustainability and research
Short discussion of students (to organize/reading different papers about this theme and presenting some output)
Target audience
PhD students with not specific knowledge or skills in sustainability sciences, but that are interested in understanding how a transdisciplinary approach can leverage the change of paradigm needed to match sustainability goals.
Min 10 Max 50
The course style will be process-oriented and interactive. Theoretical inputs will be followed by exercises, partner work, role-plays, case studies and group-work, when appropriate. Each lesson will have focus on specific topic, with hooks with all the others. The language and the level of details will be tailored to the specific needs of the actual audience; in case of lack of basic elements or knowledge, these will be provided either by the lecturer or by providing PhD students with specific documents. During the lessons participants will receive references to the literature needed and vison papers, as well as suggestions of relevant platforms and websites that can be useful.
CFU / Hours
2 CFU / 16 hrs
Teaching period
Lecture 1 (EPS)
3 December (16:30-18:00)
Lecture 2 (EPS)
4 December (16:30-18:00)
Lecture 3 (AG)
10 December (14:00-17:00)
Lecture 4 (MC)
16 december (10:00-13:00)
Lecture 5 (PS)
16 January (11:00-14:00)
Lecture 6 (all)
27 February (14:30-18:30)
course registration on “Segreterie online”: from 11/11/2024 to 27/11/2024