Surfing the academic job market: How to publish in high impact international journals

Marco Brambilla – Department of Psychology


The workshop aims at giving students basic skills in order to write and submit a scientific paper. Beside addressing the key paper sections, the workshop aims at giving basic skills to select the best journal, manage ci-tations and debases measuring the quality and the impact of the scien-tific production.

Suggested year of attendance:
1st year

Table of contents:

  1. Selecting the right journal: Impact factor and new measures of influ-ence, journal aims, type of papers published
  2. Writing key sections: Title, abstract, introduction, method, results, and discussion
  3. Writing strategies
  4. Submission and re-submission
  5. Do’s and Don’ts of manuscript submission
  6. The review process
  7. Ethical issues in publishing

Students involved in the following PhD programs:
DIMET, Neuroscience, Nursing, Public health, Psychology, Physics, Computer science, Mathematics, Marine science, Materials science, Chemical, geological and environmental science, TeCSBI

1 CFU - 8 hours

March 4, 2025 (2pm-6pm)
March 5, 2025 (2pm-6pm)

In-person lectures

Surfing the academic job market: How to publish in high impact international journals

Marco Brambilla – Department of Psychology


The workshop aims at giving students basic skills in order to write and submit a scientific paper. Beside addressing the key paper sections, the workshop aims at giving basic skills to select the best journal, manage ci-tations and debases measuring the quality and the impact of the scien-tific production.

Suggested year of attendance:
1st year

Table of contents:

  1. Selecting the right journal: Impact factor and new measures of influ-ence, journal aims, type of papers published
  2. Writing key sections: Title, abstract, introduction, method, results, and discussion
  3. Writing strategies
  4. Submission and re-submission
  5. Do’s and Don’ts of manuscript submission
  6. The review process
  7. Ethical issues in publishing

Students involved in the following PhD programs:
DIMET, Neuroscience, Nursing, Public health, Psychology, Physics, Computer science, Mathematics, Marine science, Materials science, Chemical, geological and environmental science, TeCSBI

1 CFU - 8 hours

March 4, 2025 (2pm-6pm)
March 5, 2025 (2pm-6pm)

In-person lectures



  • Marco Brambilla

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