Schema della sezione

  • Practical training commission
    (all the communications must be sent with all stage commission members in cc):

    Davide Maggioni –
    Luca Fallati – 


    The following information does not apply if you plan to carry out the activities under Erasmus and Exchange programs. In this case, you can contact the ‘Erasmus and International Projects Commission’. 


    • During the second year, all students are asked to earn credits through a mandatory 4 CFU internship (100 hours) and through 6-12 CFUs practical trainings (150-300 hours).

    • To avoid overlap with courses, internships and practical training should be completed during the second year, or at least after students have already acquired 30 CFUs through exams.
    • The mandatory 4 CFU internship (100 hours) must be completed at a valid and scientifically relevant institution. Participation in the internship may require a monetary contribution from the student to cover personal expenses, such as food and accommodation.

    • The practical trainings (but not the 4 CFU internship) can be replaced by two exams (6 + 6 CFUs) or by one practical training (6 CFU) + an exam (6 CFU).

    • Both the internship and the practical training can be carried out in Italian and/or international (not UNIMIB) laboratories, companies, bodies, and institutions with which the University has stipulated specific agreements.

    • Before commencing any activity, it is mandatory to communicate your plans with the 'Practical Training Commission' at least 1.5 months prior to the proposed start date.
      This is to ensure that all relevant documents, including insurance provided by the University, can be prepared in a timely manner.

    • All the documents must be filled and signed before starting any activity.
      Any activity started without the approval of the commission will not be considered part of your master’s career, and therefore, no credits will be recognised. 


    Here are the steps to activate your internship or practical training:

    1. Communicate by e-mail to the ‘practical training commission’ your proposal, indicating the hosting institution, the period, and a tentative program of the activities that will be carried out.
    2. After the commission’s approval, you need to find an internal tutor (among the Marine Sciences faculty members).
    3. Depending on whether the hosting institution is Italian or not, you have to follow different steps:



    Instructions can be found at this link and are briefly outlined here:

    1. Fill the online form (link) providing all the requested information, including contact details of the hosting institution.

    2. The stage office will contact the institution and guide you in the filling of two documents:
      - Internship Agreement: agreement between UNIMIB and the hosting institution.
      If an agreement has already been signed with the hosting institution, this step is not required (but the stage office will let you know).
      - Internship Project: this document must be filled by the hosting institution and done for every student.
      It includes a brief explanation of the activities that will be carried out, the dates and places, etc.

    3. Once all documents are signed, you can start the activities.
      All documents must be signed before you start the activities.

    4. After finishing the activities, you must send to the ‘practical training commission’ a brief report (1-2 pages) using this template (link).



    Instructions can be found at this link and are briefly outlined here:

    1. The hosting institution must activate an agreement with UNIMIB by accessing the SegreterieOnLine portal (link). Instructions for the hosting institution can be found here (link).
      If an agreement is already registered in the portal this step is not required (the hosting institution can check this).

    2. The hosting institution must upload an internship project (instructions at this link) and make it available for the student to apply.
      Before starting the activities, all the parties (student, internal tutor, external tutor) will be asked to approve the project. This must be done before starting any activity.

    3. At the end of the activities, the student will be asked to upload documents, and both the student and the hosting institution will be asked to fill a questionnaire (instructions at this link). Finally, the internal tutor will be asked to approve the end of the activities, and the CFUs will be assigned to the student.


    List of some of the institutions that hosted Marine Sciences students in the previous years:


    The Commission

    Dr. Davide Maggioni (

    Dr. Luca Fallati (