Section outline

  • This page contains complementary information regarding the application to the selection procedures for the doctoral course in Converging Technologies for Biomolecular Systems (TeCSBi)

    It is recommend to carefully read both the call document and the specific sheet relating to the TeCSBi Doctorate Course.


    Bando di ammissione ai corsi di dottorato - XL Ciclo a.a. 2024/2025 (Sessione II) [LINK]

    Specifiche per l'ammissione al Corso di Dottorato TeCSBi (pagg. 41-42) [LINK]

    --> NEW! Decreto Aggiuntivo al Bando di ammissione ai corsi di dottorato - XL Ciclo a.a. 2024/2025 (Sessione II) [LINK]


    Call for applications to the Ph.D. programmes - XL cycle a.y. 2024/2025 (Session II) [LINK]

    Details about the admission to the TeCSBi Ph.D. doctoral course (pagg. 11-12) [LINK]

  • The research topics reported here are those made available by the members of the TeCSBi council.

    It is underlined that in drafting their research project for applying to the doctoral course, candidates must independently develop original contents relevant to the proposed research topics but not necessarily overlapping with the specific methodologies and protocols illustrated in the description sheets. 

      • For a synthetic overview of the available projects and research topics --> TeCSBi XL cycle (session I) - Research Topics.pdf
      • Detailed information on the available Research Topics --> see the single project files

      NB: keep attention to the Research Topic ID. It must be reported on the Project Proposal form

  • CV EVALUATION (max 20 points)

    • Grade of bachelor degreee: max 3 points;
    • Grade of master degree (second cycle): max 7 points;
    • Grade of old system degree or single-cycle second level degree: max 10 points;

    NB: For those students who have not obtained their degree yet, the score will be replaced with the assessment of the average mark of the examinations:

    • Publications (in extenso, published or accepted for publication) and certified contribution to Conferences (poster or oral presentation) of the last two years: max 4 points;
    • Certified participations in post-degree masters, training courses, advanced courses, specialization schools, any other second degrees: max 2 points;
    • Certification of joint researches and analysis: max 2 points
    • Certification of training periods and/or research periods abroad of at least two months: max 2 points. The Committee will evaluates periods less than 2 months only if the early come back has been due to documented force majeure for COVID-19

    PROJECT EVALUATION AND ORAL TEST (max score 60 points)

    The admission exam to the Ph.D program is the evaluation of a written research project, based on the research topics proposed by the doctorate course, and an oral test (partially or fully in English language), which will take place as detailed in the call and in future communications to candidates.

    The research project will be evaluated regarding to its originality, pertinence to the selected research topic, methodological rigor, impacts, and adequacy of the references.

    The oral exam will start with questions related to:

    • presentation and discussion of the research project submitted by the candidate during the application process, and developed on one of the research topics proposed by the TeCSBi College.
    • the master thesis project, and more generally the past experiences and the acquired skills, including specific questions aimed at assessing competences.