Schema della sezione

  • The acquisition of 3 credits related to "Additional training activities" is regulated by the scheme outlined below.

    ITALIAN students can choose among the following options:

    - 3 CFU of other knowledge useful in the labour market, with participation in the activities planned at the University for the I-Bicocca project (I-Bicocca Silver, 1 CFU, I-Bicocca Gold, 2 CFU, I-Bicocca Platinum, 3 CFU)


    - 3 CFU of IT and telematic skills, with participation in the e4job certification online course - Digital Culture for Work  


    - 3 CFU of further linguistic knowledge, requiring either the passing of a University exam testing the knowledge of a foreign language other than English, level B2, chosen between French, Spanish or German or  toe passing of an exam testing the knowledge of the English language, level C1.

    Italian students already in possession of certifications issued by the University or by bodies accredited by the University, attesting linguistic knowledge, of a level equal to or higher than B2 for the French, Spanish or German languages, or attesting linguistic knowledge, of an equal or higher level at C1 for the English language, will be entitled to exemption from the test and the recognition of the credits provided.

    FOREIGN students, on the other hand, must necessarily achieve 3 CFU of further linguistic knowledge, with the passing of a University exam testing the knowledge of the Italian language, level A3.

    Foreign students already in possession of certifications issued by the University or by bodies accredited by the University, certifying language skills of a level equal to or higher than level A3 will be entitled to exemption from the test and recognition of the credits.

    Information about the methods of conducting the tests or the acquisition of credits are defined at the University level and will be available on the University website, at this page.