Section outline


    • Students with international qualification: starting from 2025-26 intake, candidates with international qualifications will benefit from a new application platform. Applications are now open. The platform is exclusively for students (both Italian and international) holding a foreign qualification. Please consult Apply@Unimib website

    • Students with an Italian qualification: The call for application will be published in the next few months at the webpage


    For application deadlines, instructions and interview dates please read the application procedure published here.

    1) Entry requirements:

    Admission to the master's degree programme in Data Science (LM Data) is subject to the possession of specific curricular requirements and to the adequacy of personal preparation verified by an Evaluation Committee in accordance with the procedures defined in the degree programme's Didactic Regulation (A.Y. 2024/2025).
    To be admitted to the Master's degree programme it is necessary to hold a Bachelor’s degree (or three-year university diploma) or a degree awarded abroad and recognised as suitable.
    The possession of at least 30 total CFUs (i.e. ECTS) in the following academic disciplines (i.e. Settori ScientificoDisciplinari or SSD) is required:
    INF/01 (Computer Science - Informatics);
    ING-INF/05 (Information processing systems);
    SECS-S/01 to SECS-S/06 (Statistics, Statistics for Experimental and Technological Research, Economic Statistics, Demography, Social Statistics, Mathematical Methods of Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences);
    MAT/01 to MAT/09 MAT/09 (Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Geometry, Complementary Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Analysis, Operational Research);
    FIS/01 to FIS/08 (Experimental Physics, Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Models and Methods, Physics of Matter, Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics of the Earth and of the Circumterrestrial Medium, Applied Physics);

    An English language level of B2 or higher is also required for admission to enable understanding and participation in the training activities.

    2) Assessment of adequacy of personal preparation:

    Once the curricular requirements have been verified, admission to the course is conditional on an assessment of background knowledge.

    The assessment of the adequacy of personal preparation will be carried out through an interview, aimed at ascertaining knowledge in the fields of computer science and statistics

    • Python programming language
    • SQL programming language
    • Descriptive statistics
    • Inferential statistics
    • Probability

    1. Database System Concepts. Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
    2. Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. Alexander M. Mood, Franklin A. Graybill, Duane C. Boes. McGraw-Hill
    3. Introductory statistics, Ross S.M., ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS, 4th ed., 2017, ISBN: 978-0-12-804317-2,0128043172
    4. Think Python 2nd Edition by Allen B. Downey.

    Candidates will be admitted to the interviews if:

    a) they have obtained (or are in the process of obtaining) a Bachelor’s degree (or Master's degree) belonging to one of the following degree classes (or equivalent qualification) with a graduation mark of 83/110 or higher (or a recalculated weighted average mark of at least 22,5/30 for undergraduates):
    - L-31 (Computer Science);
    - L-8 (Information Technology Engineering);
    - L-41 (Statistics);
    - L-30 (Physics);
    - L-35 (Mathematics).


    b) they hold (or are in the process of obtaining) a Bachelor’s degree (or Master's degree) belonging to a class other than those mentioned above, obtained with a graduation mark equal to or higher than 83/110 (or a recalculated weighted average mark of at least 22,5/30 for undergraduates), and have acquired, within the total of 30 CFUs in the academic disciplines previously listed:
    - at least 6 CFUs in courses belonging to at least one of the following academic disciplines: SECS-S/01 to SECSS/06 or MAT/06 or MAT/09;
    - at least 6 CFUs in courses belonging to at least one of the following academic disciplines: INF/01 or INGINF/05.
    During the admission interview the Evaluation Committee may suggest to candidates the opportunity of attending in-depth disciplinary courses.

    Those who do NOT fall into one of the above two categories will be excluded from the admission procedure.

    In the days following the end of each application period, the candidates will be informed about the outcome of the curricular requirements check and the subsequent steps to take.

    We advise students to frequently check the mailbox (including the spam section) of the e-mail address provided during the application process.


    For application deadlines, test and interview dates please read the application procedure published here.

    In the days following the end of each application period, the candidates will be informed about the outcome of the curricular requirements check and the subsequent steps to take (test and interview).

    We advise students to frequently check the mailbox (including the spam section) of the e-mail address provided during the application process.

    Test topics, didactic materials and sample questions are available on page


    For application deadlines and interview dates please read the application procedure published here.

    In the days following the end of each application period, the candidates will be informed about the outcome of the curricular requirements check; 
    if candidates meet the access requirements, they will receive the call for the interview (with exact date, time and details).

    Admission process - application from June 16th to June 30th 2022 and from July 01st to September 07th 2022:

    • the lists of candidates admitted to interview and the admitted students list are published here.


    Students must have achieved during their career:

    1) at least 30 total CFU in the following Scientific Disciplines: 

    - INF/01
    - ING-INF/05
    - from SECS-S/01 to SECS-S/06
    - from MAT/01 to MAT/09
    - from FIS/01 to FIS/08. 

    2) at least a B2 or higher level of English language knowledge.

    Knowledge of the English language at a level equal to or higher than B2 can be verified with one of the following modalities:
    - certification issued by the University or by an institution accredited by the University, corresponding to level B2
       (the list of accredited institutions is available at the following link:;
    - Open badge Bbetween "English B2" of the University of Milano-Bicocca;
    - exam of at least 4 CFU in the Scientific-Disciplinary Sectors L-LIN/10, L-LIN/11 or L-LIN/12, resulting from the previous career;
    - achieved degree program entirely or mainly taught in English.

    For students meeting these requirements, candidates selection will be made on the basis of an interview.