Schema della sezione

  • Regulations for the Master’s Degree thesis

    Regulations for the selection of a Master’s Degree thesis and stage assignment and development

    While the final technical procedure for the thesis assignment and starting is being setup, for those who are starting immediately the conditions established in the regulations will have to be checked directly by the thesis supervisor (the “relatore” in Italian). The internship (or stage) will have to be started following the procedures of the Milano - Bicocca university following the instructions published in our web pages and assigned directly to you by the company tutor.

    In case a student identifies independently a candiate stage activity for the master thesis and wishes to build a thesis project including it (as in art. 4 point 2 of the Regulations for the selection of a Master’s Degree thesis and stage assignment and development), the following practical steps need to be taken:

    • Identify a company supervisor, who is the actual person that will follow the scientific work in the company

    • Define with the company co-supervisor the internship subject and a thesis proposal, preparing a description that defines the preliminary thesis title, the technical-application context in which the thesis is framed, the objectives to be achieved, and the methodologies and techniques to be used

    • Identify a university supervisor from the professors of the AI4ST degree course, providing them with the thesis proposal mentioned in point 2 - in case of uncertainty, ask the Stage Committee for help (email to

    • Confirm the availability from this person to act as a university supervisor (pending the full functioning of the online system, a simple email from the university supervisor to is sufficient)

    • Follow all the needed steps for the official starting of the internship

    • A MS Word emplate for the thesis front page may be found here.
    • A LaTeX thesis template source code may be found in this GitHub repository, together with the instructions on how to use it.
    • A general guideline for thesis writing may be found here.
  • Final Degree Exams

    Academic Year 2023-2024


      Graduation session date

      Session I

      July 22, 2024 

      Session II

      September 25, 2024 
      October 4, 2024 
      November 8, 2024 

      Session III

      March 14, 2025

    Administrative deadlines for submitting graduation application

    Academic Year 2023-2024

    Title Achievement Session Calendar

  • First Graduation Session

    Commettee July 22, 2024

    Second Graduation Session

    Commettee September 25, 2024

    Commettee November 8, 2024