Titolo del corso
Internship and thesis
Codice identificativo del corso
Recyclability of polymeric materials - SEALED AIR (Rho)
Aggregazione dei criteri
Recyclability of polymeric materials
The request of plastic materials that can be mechanically recyclable is strongly increased from a market that is moving towards the new concept of circular economy. Currently no legislation is available, but there are many protocols to assess whether a material is potentially recyclable. Sealed Air is employing recognized international protocols to test the recyclability of packaging materials. These protocols evaluate the compatibility of packaging materials to be mechanically recycled near to pure materials.
The thesis will take place within the Research & Development department of Sealed Air and and will be organized with a theoretical part of study of the formulations and a practical part of protocols application within the laboratories. Extrusion trials will be carried out on laboratory scale extruders to produce materials which will then be physically tested.
For additional details, you can directly contact the scientific director, Dr. Barbara Pacini (barbara.pacini@sealedair.com)
or the department contact person, prof.ssa Silvia Bracco (silvia.bracco@unimib.it)