Buon giorno,
ricevo notizia di questo seminario che si terrà domani, nel contesto del corso "Elements of Human-technology Interaction" tenuto dal Prof. Dimitri Ognibene, e che sarà accessibile anche online.
Cordiali saluti
Giuseppe Vizzari
Hi all,
Raffaele Boiano explores the busy intersection of experience design, storytelling, cultural anthropology and coding. He has 18+ years experience shaping usable and delightful product/services experiences. His strong skill sets include user research, information architecture, rapid prototyping, usability testing and front-end coding.
Co-founder and Ceo of Fifth Beat, a design innovation studio, he is now committed to make the world a better place. Raffaele is also Adjunct Professor of User Experience Design at Politecnico di Milano, former VP of the Italian Information Architecture Society and co-founder of Roma’s UX book club.
Talk title:
Information Architecture and Design patterns in three case studies
In this lecture, three case studies will be presented.
This will be followed by Q&A session.
The discussion will touch on the idea of design patterns, moving from tangible spaces (Christopher Alexander) to virtual environments (Howard Rheingold) and social affordance as a set of principles (rules that don’t prescribe the solution but support a rationale behind a design pattern), practices (most effective and efficient way to solve a problem) and patterns (core solutions). Finally, the concept of information architecture can be introduced as the design of informational spaces, the moment where, according to a specific set of intentions, the interaction is defined and social patterns are carefully chosen.