Hack the Science 2022

Hack the Science 2022

by Davide Gerosa -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students, 

please see below. This looks like a nice opportunity to learn something new and get some training in astronomy-related coding. I encourage you to form a team and join the competition! (actually, not just join... win!)


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Sciacca, Eva <eva.sciacca@inaf.it>
Date: ven 29 apr 2022 alle ore 11:49
Subject: [Associati] Hack the Science 2022 - Call for participation - new dates!
To: <ricercatori@ced.inaf.it>, <associati@ced.inaf.it>

Dear all,

I kindly inform you of the new dates set for the event "Hack the Science 2022" organized  by INAF and University of Milano Bicocca sponsored by the H2020 NEANIAS Project. 
Please forward this message to any potentially interested student, colleague, or friend. For any curiosity or request for clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you in advance,


Hack the Science 2022 - Call for participation
A hackathon about data science, user experience and cloud
computing, organized by the NEANIAS H2020 project.

- Start of activities: May 5, 2022 (the kick-off event will be recorded,  registrations will be open until May 12)
- Submission of works: June 2, 2022
- Award ceremony: June 8, 2022
So get ready and register (https://forms.gle/tsrtcyRtxaKKScmS8)!

At the University of Milano-Bicocca (https://www.unimib.it), but you
can participate also remotely from anywhere in the world...

We'll soon let you know the specifics, but the challenges are set and described in the website (https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/hack-the-science-2022/challenges),
we'll provide detailed information on the first day of the hackathon,
guidance throughout the working period by mentoring through a
dedicated Slack channel, and you'll be able to submit your work, that
will be evaluated by an International Scientific Committee.

What you'll be asked to do? Take a look at the challenges
What can you win? Take a look at the prizes

You, of course! Your friends and colleagues can join you, of course,
let them know! Please register now!
Also if you are a scientist/professional/researcher and would like to
mentor one of the teams, please register here

If you want to ask us any information please drop us a message at

Eva Sciacca, PhD
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania  
Via S. Sofia 78                              
95123 CATANIA (Italy)
Tel. : +39 095 7332321 Skype : evita_s83
E-mail : eva.sciacca@inaf.it
WWW : http://webusers.oact.inaf.it/esciacca/