Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge

Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge

di Fabio Bellini -
Numero di risposte: 0

Cari studenti, vi riporto qui sotto l'annuncio di una competizione di trading organizzata da Bloomberg che secondo me potrebbe essere interessante ed istruttiva per molti di voi. 

Se siete interessati, leggete attentamente il file .pdf allegato. Partecipare non mi sembra complicato, e anzi è l'occasione per fare un po' di pratica con il terminale Bloomberg. 

Per quanto mi riguarda in relazione agli studenti di ECOFIN sono disponibile a ricoprire il ruolo di 'faculty advisor'.

Se dopo avere letto tutto con attenzione avete delle domande fatele nel forum in risposta a questo messaggio. La scadenza per l'iscrizione delle squadre è piuttosto ravvicinata, se siete interessati affrettatevi!

Dear Professor,

The time has come and Bloomberg is delighted to announce that registration for the Global Trading Challenge 2022 will open Monday, September 19th.

Last year, 492 teams from 28 countries on 5 continents participated, entering 14,232 trades and collectively made +$20,722,444. Our final top-10 saw winning teams from the USA, India and Saudi Arabia, cementing this as a truly Global challenge. Best of all, the Trading Challenge is free to enter.

Attached to this message you'll find an information sheet outlining the key features of the challenge, the dates, and a link to the registration page. You'll also find the Terms & Conditions which govern the challenge.

The Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge is the only university investment competition to take place entirely within the Bloomberg Terminal®. Teams of 3-5 students, led by a faculty advisor, will use the Terminal to define market assumptions, develop a return-generating strategy, and execute trades over the Bloomberg network. The winning team will have the highest Relative P&L, relative to the Bloomberg World Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index.

Where can my teams Register?

You can direct your students to the following web registration link:

Frequently Asked Questions

When does Registration Open and Close?
Registration Opens:
September 19th 2022, at 09:00am New York Time

Registration Closes
October 5th 2022, at 5:00 pm New York Time

How Many Teams can we Register?
For Partner Schools with 1 or 2 Bloomberg Terminals on site, you can submit one team. For Experiential Learning Partners with 3 or more Bloomberg Terminals on site, you can submit an unlimited number of teams.

How must does it cost to enter a team?
There is no charge to participate in the Challenge.

Can I be Faculty Advisor to Multiple Teams?
Absolutely! All we ask is that the student teams that you advise should be enrolled at your place of teaching.

As a Faculty Advisor, what are my responsibilities?
For the vast majority the advisor's role is simply to act as an academic point of contact during the challenge. You can make the role as large or as streamlined as you wish it to be: some faculty advisors are active, hands-on members of the team, whilst others take a background role, 'just in case'. Some Faculty Advisors arrange investment committee meetings with their teams each week, others do not. It's at your discretion!

For High School students where participants may be under 18, we do ask that the Faculty Advisor be responsible for filling out the registration form. Depending on your student's level of familiarity with Bloomberg system, you might like to also take the lead in entering trades to the Bloomberg system during the challenge.

The vast majority of teams comply fully with both the spirit and the rules of the challenge; but in the unlikely event we do identify an issue with a
particular team, we will approach the Faculty Advisor first as a courtesy.

And, don't forget - as a the Faculty Advisor of the winning Team, you'll also be eligible to receive prizes!

Can I promote on social media?
Absolutely! We suggest you use #BloombergTradingChallenge to share your experience throughout the Challenge. You could have a chance to be shared/retweeted by Bloomberg’s social media in the process!

Where can I direct my students if they get stuck?
We’ve created a dedicated service channel for challenge participants:

On behalf of everybody at Bloomberg, we'd like to wish your institution the very best of luck in the Challenge, and trust that it will be a fantastic event bringing out the very best of collaboration and competition in your students.