Aperte le iscrizioni alla Summer School "Violence Against Children"

Aperte le iscrizioni alla Summer School "Violence Against Children"

by Marco Enrico Casiraghi -
Number of replies: 0
Registrations are now open for the Summer School "Violence Against Children: data collection and methodological challenges to efficiently address the phenomenon" which will be held in Anacapri (NA), at the Congress Center of the Federico II University, from 14 to 16 October. The program is available here https://ares20.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/dora_summerschool_1080x1920-final.pdf

These are three days of training and reflection, organized in the framework of of the DORA project - Data integratiOn for acknowledging Risks And protecting children from violence - funded by the European Commission, which aims to strengthen the process of collecting and integrating statistical sources concerning violence against children, including female genital mutilation/modification.

The summer school will aim to provide participants with an overview of the existing information gaps on the topic of Violence Against Children and to present the statistical solutions that have been adopted within the project in order to combine, integrate and then produce refined and easily usable data.

PhD students, researchers and university professors, professionals and experts on the issues of violence against minors as well as third sector operators and institutional representatives are invited to participate. Given the topics covered and the methodological approach used, participants are required to have a sufficient statistical background.

We would also like to inform you that enrolment is free. Participants will have to provide for their own transport and accommodation costs. Applications will be open until September 2nd and to apply you are required to fill out a dedicated form by clicking on this link.

To offer an adequate interactive training experience, there is a maximum number of 30 participants in attendance. In any case, we will guaranteed the opportunity to participate in the summer school remotely through the live streaming of the lessons. The list of participants in attendance will be drawn up on the basis of the applications collected through the form and communicated by 15 September.

For further clarifications, any technical problems encountered in sending applications or for any other request, you can contact us at the following email address: livia.ortensi@unibo.it

For more information on the project, visit the DORA website.