Practical training proposals

Practical training proposals

di Roberto Tretola -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students, here is a letter from prof. Savini on possible options for your 4 CFU practical training.

If you are keen on one of the projects, you have to write to the professor in charge of the project (emails provided below); please put in cc


Dear Students,

We hereby inform you regarding the different options we can offer in order to get the mandatory 4CFU of practical activities within the framework of the Master Course in Marine Sciences:

-          Mapping technologies in Coral Reef Environments: location: Maldives (Marhe Center) – details can be found at the following link - Deadline for registering was 15th January but few places are still available until 30th January. (information: Prof. Alessandra Savini). Cost: 1500€

-          Tropical Marine Fishes: identification and ecology: Location: Maldives (Marhe center) – details can be found at the following link (Information: Prof. Davide Seveso). Cost 1300€

-          Physical oceanography and marine habitat: location: Malta (University of Malta) – Practical activities will deal with collection and analysis of oceanographic data and: (i) Fieldwork and lab work concerning rocky and/or soft sediment habitat and biota (shore and/or sublittoral) - aim would be baseline collection of data on such habitats/biota and training on identification of algae and invertebrates; (II) Collection of seagrass shoots (by SCUBA divers from University of Malta) and invertebrates (by SCUBA divers from university of Malta or using a Van Veen Grab which students can deploy from a vessel); (III) ROV survey of benthic habitats to assess occurrence, distribution and state of a given habitat and associated megafauna. Three seminars on Human geography topics will be also delivered (Information: Prof. Daniela Basso). 10 days including accommodation and meals in Malta will cost ca. 2500 Euro per person. Minimum 10 students

For all the proposed activities the professor board is going to discuss very soon the chance of having the total cost partly covered by dedicated grants. Could you please send us, in case you wish to participate in one of the listed program, your expression of interest by the end of this month? You have to write to the professor in charge 

Best Regards

Alessandra Savini